
I get that… classic Yondu would be a problematic character. But changing a super-honorable character to a smug snake just seems a bit much.

Oh? Did I miss something here? *edit* Nvm… just read the linked article. Guess they're changing him. Ok. All comments retracted!

He was good, but making him Yondu still bugs me (even moreso now that they've incorporated his Yondu into the comics). I mean… maybe Yondu is just the Centaurian equivalent of "Jim," but he's the polar opposite of classic GotG Yondu.

As I've said, though, roguish charm isn't really J'son's thing, just his son's. J'son is a complete and utter asshole. I know Kurt Russell can pull off "lovable rogue" or even "detestable-yet-somehow-charming rogue," but straight up Trump/Hitler/Joffrey levels of asshole? I dunno.

If that were the case, I'd agree 100%. But J'son is more of a "want to hate him to death" sort of guy.

Yeah, but "likable" asshole isn't really J'son's thing. Honestly, about the only people I think could pull off J'son's assholishness would be Trump (not acting) or Jack Gleeson.

He's a decent actor, and he has the look down, but I'm not totally convinced he can play a big enough asshole to properly portray J'son. *edit* Just read the linked article where they state that they're changing J'son's character. So… I guess it could work.


Fair point. I suppose I should have clarified my statement to read "no sympathy for pedophiles, hebephiles, nor ephebophiles who act on their impulses." Just having the desire is not worthy of condemnation.

I dunno. I have no sympathy for pedophiles, hebephiles, nor ephebophiles, but I do feel the distinction is important. Pedophiles are flawed from both a biological and psychological standpoint, whereas attraction to pubescent girls is at least biologically justified, even though any hint of acting on that attraction

Just finished watching season 1 (I'm a "Netflix/Amazon Prime only" sort of guy, so I tend to be a few months behind). It was definitely the best thing I've watched since Breaking Bad. Vince Gilligan continues to impress.

It could be very much argued that kids are not the target audience for either of those shows. Whereas, while shows like Powerpuff Girls clearly were always written to be appealing to adults, they were still very much for kids, as well. But, even if that's not the case, it's still true that in general, most "kids'

What about, "No. Leave me alone." Will that make her mad, too? God, I hate that fucking program.

Ahh, cool! Thanks for the info :)

Everything hadn't become quite so… pussified (sorry, tried to think of a term that didn't have quite the sexist connotations, but still got the point across, but just came up blank) in the '90s. Back then, people still realized that kids can handle some dark shit.

But on a serious note, maybe we should start planning an AVC murder-suicide pact in case of Trump presidency. I'm seriously only maybe 10% joking. I mean, heck, if it happens, we'll only be beating the death of the rest of the world by a year, tops.

Normally, I'd agree with you. I'm not normally a fan of Ansari's man-child schtick. But Master of None actually worked really well, and made me really appreciate him for the first time.

Yay! This series was easily one of the happier surprises in recent television shows.

I dunno, it's pretty useful for finding niche porn.

Oh, for fuck's sake, Internet.