
Am I just blind, or is Black Books not on that map?

Thanks to Never Been Kissed, to this day I still say "…bikes!" immediately after myself or anyone nearby says "Yikes!"

Did your "never lose" method include recruiting Brother? He was a mid-fielder par excellence.

Blitzball is the reason I've never completed FFX. Not because I don't like it, but because once I get to play Blitzball, I never want to do anything else.

Yeah, I was confused when they mentioned "Hymn of the Fayth" as an important song from FFX, because "To Zanarkand" is pretty much FFX's "One Winged Angel" (not in terms of sound, but in terms of being iconic for that game).

Typical, an "ethnic" woman stealing jobs that could go to hard working white boys!

Actually… you're both wrong there. The SHIELD tv show actually explained why and how SHIELD returned at the end of Age of Ultron (rebuilding the Triskelion was the super-secret project that Coulson was working on, which made everyone super suspicious of him).

So you took issue with them giving him a job that actually exists, as opposed to one that hasn't existed for several years now?

Because there's a far better reason to skip movies like Transformers than simply knowing how they're going to play out.

Even there, though, you're taking the same shortsighted view as people who think that just because you understand tropes and archetypes, you can't ever enjoy any piece of fiction again, because you already know how it's going to play out. It's simply not the case.

Steve Holt!

Wouldn't that imply that Mystery Men was a bad movie?

*sigh* I think I just need to accept that PJ Harvey is 100% my ideal woman.

Really depressing to read articles about the guy (who seems like a comparatively decent dude) and see that 99.99% of the comments are righties denouncing him as a liberal.

I'd say you've defenestrated it.

Speaking of… have you seen Azealia Banks' endorsement of Trump? Holy shit. Despite her being pretty clueless about a couple things (namely, thinking that Trumps will "stand up to big business"), it's easily the most cynical thing I've read in a long time. It's pretty much, "America deserves a supervillain president

That's actually a fair point, I think. When a character is itself a racist caricature, why not white-wash her to soften the blow?

Won't anyone stand up to the evils of DMB?!

I bet you'd like to do it amicably, too.

You know, Vin Diesel's movies are probably the only bad movies I feel bad for not watching, just because he's so darn likable.