
Is Enrique Iglesias the one who had to be shut down by Casey Casem, because during a phone interview on the Top 40 program, he wouldn't stop talking about basically molesting some underage fan at one of his show (seriously, it was pretty graphic)? Pretty sure it was either him or Ricky Martin, but since Ricky

I know that my avatar looks uncannily like me.

The worst thing about GoDaddy's commercials is their ability to make me not like boobs.

Maybe if they really drawl it whenever they say his name? Like "Loooooow Keyyy"?

It's an issue with *bad* fantasy. Fantasy can be done well if there are clearly defined limits. Sanderson’s First Law of Magics: An author’s ability to solve conflict with magic is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to how well the reader understands said magic.

…someone thought rap was a fad in 1997? I could see maybe 1987, when the majority of white America had only recently realized it was a thing, but Jesus…1997?

Yeah. But honestly, even some of the nu-Swing stuff wasn't bad. Far better than your typical line-dance fodder, at any rate.

True, despite the fact that some of the nu-Swing bands chose asinine names like Cherry Popping Daddies.

Gaze not too long into the Gap, for when you gaze into the Gap, the Gap gazes into you.

You mean thigh gap? The baffling new definition for whether or not a woman has any worth as a human being? (Seriously, though, when did that become a thing? I never recall thigh gap in any of the great sex goddesses of years past… *Looks at old Playboy mags and yearns for days gone by*)

I live in Montana. Your pain is my pain.

Line dancing, hands down. Swing may be out of style, but at least it was cool once. Line dancing has NEVER been cool.

Gee, too bad I'm not in Chicago so I could decline to watch this movie for free.

As someone with a deep hatred for Parkinson's (it killed my favorite grandpa), I have to admit that was a really funny joke. *edit* Come to think of it, I'm 100% certain that my grandpa would have laughed his ass off at that joke, as well.

…fuck. Now that you mention it, even Bell Biv DeVoe is more punk than fucking Blink-182.


I largely agree with you, but I have to disagree that privilege precludes hardship. Honestly, that fact is the (unfortunate) reason so many dipshits claim that privilege doesn't exist, as they don't realize that their very real suffering is much different from the (arguably more severe) suffering of those who lead

Yeah, Down In It was absolutely a Skinny Puppy homage. Strangely, learning that actually made me like that song a lot more than I did initially.

Pssshhhh, haven't you heard? They're doing away with Black History Month. Highly respected former celebrity Stacey Dash said so!

Oh, Kraken had some interesting ideas, but the story itself was just awful.