
For one thing, Embassytown is probably his only book that's really science fiction. Definitely one of my favorites (I've always been a language nerd), and still definitely a Mieville book, but just as certainly very far removed from his usual work.

I'm more inclined to fight you for liking Kraken. Iron Council wasn't my favorite, but it was far better than the disappointment of Kraken.

I think the only time it was exhausting was in Iron Council. The Scar and Perdido Street Station were both excellent from start to finish. I still say, though, that, similar to Mrs. Alger's statement, while I am definitely a fan of Mieville's work, not all of his stuff has been worthwhile. Obviously I thought Iron

Oh man… are you talking about the old McDonald's Steak, Egg & Cheese Bagel? The one with the super greasy, dog food grade "steak" that somehow still tasted like absolute bliss? God, I miss that sandwich…

Can you really call a sequel terrible when the first movie (and source material) were terrible as well, as in the case of Kick Ass?

Is this about the Gary Numan song, "Metal"? Famously covered by NIN?

"Tool songs in weird time signatures" … so, Tool songs?

See, I can understand disliking Barney, because while I find him amusing, he is an indisputably awful person. But Ted manages to be unfunny, while also being (secretly) just as awful as Barney (or perhaps even worse).

I might, possibly, watch the Wonder Woman movie, simply on the grounds that holy crap, Gal Gadot is sooooo pretty. Otherwise, none of DC's tv/cinematic stable (aside from The Flash and maybe Legends of Tomorrow) interests me in the slightest.

Jamm, at least, was good at being awful. Like, he was cartoon villain awful, and he was good for some laughs. Craig inspired no laughter.

…luck. Also, sheer, insane ruthlessness.

Really? But Clark Gregg is just so goddamn charming! He's seriously what hold the show together for me, simply because otherwise the loyalty he inspires would be an impossible bit of willing suspension of disbelief.

While I agree with the Wesley hate, Wil Wheaton's appearances in most shows are actually quite good.

I don't think that's odd at all: Ross on Friends, Ted Mosby on HIMYM, JD on Scrubs are all widely acknowledged examples.

While this is far from a novel answer: Ted Mosby on HIMYM. Not even just how despicable he becomes with the finale revelation. He's just awful all the way through. If I didn't love Lily, Marshall, and Barney so much, I'd never have made it through more than a few episodes of that show.

I was in the same boat as *edit* Platformula *edit*, but fortunately I gave Master of None a shot. It was quite a revelation. Master of None is still Aziz doing his signature man-child, but somehow he was able to make it work far more endearingly there.

I Have No Interest, and Yet I Must Comment

You sure? There was an MRA-bait article just this morning.

Goddamn, that one's pretty clever.

Not everyone is into MILFs.