
Ewwww, a girl toy! Girls can't be action figures, they're dolls!

Upvoted for the Squirrel Girl love, but I gotta point out that these articles are issue-by-issue. So, a few weeks ago would have been for last issue. They don't do them for every comic, but they have certain favorites that get lots of press, and Squirrel Girl is most certainly one of those favorites.

Maybe Steve Rogers, just because they both have that whole "too wholesome and pure to exist" thing going on. I honestly have great difficulty picturing either of them as sexual beings.

No, no. He just stole a cab from her once.

Totally not trying to be condescending here, but man, I feel bad for you. This book is one of the highlights of each month, for me. And yeah, it's definitely childish. I'm 35, but I'm 10 when I'm reading this book. And that's pretty much why I love it.

No, Aerie was definitely "good" (Neutral Good, I think, but maybe Lawful Good…definitely one of the "boring" alignments), and Jaheeira was definitely Neutral (she was a Druid back in the days when Druids had to be morally neutral, not just "not a corner alignment"). But this was also back in the day when D+D Neutral

Ok, that's what I thought. Couldn't remember for sure. Though now I do remember she was my favorite option for that reason. Although, thanks to the old-school level curve, she was actually one of the weaker characters, thanks to being a fighter-druid. Still, she was a much better character than Aerie "Oh no, I've

Now I'm trying to remember who the neutral alignment option was. Was it Jaheeira? Aerie was a worthless perpetually-distressed damsel, and Viconia was… well, a drow, and therefore awful by default (thanks, fantasy racism!).

ANOMEN IS BETTER THAN NO ONE! Sorry… just, seriously, fuck that guy. Or rather, don't. He doesn't need to propagate.

"…at least one…maybe more…" You don't say!

I assumed they were simply comparing Penthouse to Hustler, since Larry Flynt's name has about 100000x more recognition than Bob Guccione's. It is a bad comparison, though, because Penthouse has never been more than 1/2 as explicit as Hustler.

Thumbs up for referencing my favorite musician.

See, thunderstorms I could understand. This, though? It's so utterly mundane. But maybe that's the appeal?

My non-cynical side is suggesting that maybe people turn this on to entertain their pets. But my cynical side suggests that people are watching this "ironically" and thereby breaking through several meta-layers and wasting their time purely for the sake of making a joke about wasting their own time.

Glad I scrolled down. I was going to make the "it happened in real time" joke.

All right, Internet, you did ok this time. But don't let it go to your head! You're still on thin ice!

Nah, fear, especially imaginary, wing-nut propaganda-type fear, is one of the few things powerful enough to overcome the average moron's laziness. But otherwise, I'd totally agree with you.

It's pretty much the biggest reason Sanders followers are Sanders followers already. They know that Hillary isn't going to do jack. Not that Sanders will ever be allowed to do the things that he wants to do, but at least he'd try.

Carol is getting her own movie?! Also, what's the over-under on Lockjaw being killed by tetanus?

Oh they finally made a motherfucker,
Yes they finally made a motherfucker,
Out of me!