
Unfortunately, even then, until people get it through their thick fucking neanderthal skulls that "organ donor" doesn't mean "kill me and harvest my sweet, succulent organs," the majority will still opt out.

Hillary's platform is "don't rock the boat."

Ooooooo, as if I needed more reasons to be excited for this show.

Ehhhh, I'm pretty sure porn is the one genre where "try something new" is always successful.

As far as I can tell, most of the idiots who loved the prequels hate the new movie.

It's hard to express how much rage that whole thing inspired in me. Besides the fact that it's not really in the federal purview to pardon a state felon, there's also the fact that at best he deserves a retrial, not a pardon (particularly since, despite the state's frame job on him, he's almost certainly still

It's like people don't learn…

Dang, I'd almost forgotten about this movie. Need to dig out my copy and give it a watch again, soon.

Oh, no, I didn't take offense at your comment (that's why I upvoted it). Just figured it'd be wise to clarify, lest I be damning this book with faint praise. This is a thoroughly decent book, but it's hard to judge fairly following such a superb run.

Well, considering that "terrible" is the baseline/par of comic book writing, I think it still counts as a compliment.

While I don't envy anyone having to follow Matt Fraction's run on Hawkeye, I think that, so far, Lemire is doing a pretty decent job. Definitely not as good as Fraction's run, but far from terrible, too.

True. And there's also the fact that "conservative news source that doesn't lie as bad as Fox" is very much damning with faint praise.

Sometimes I wonder how much entertainment I miss out on, due to having no commute. But then I contemplate the amount of extra sleep and reduced stress, and I feel better.

Very, very true. That was a definite (and unexpected) bonus for me. But I would have watched it and enjoyed it even if she'd looked like…well, someone horrible looking (hard to use examples, when the first ones that came to my mind are horrible women who are often bashed for their looks, despite the fact that their

True, but it's on course to be a contender for the *actual* #1 slot. It has reached its #1 position much faster than most movies.

It's a joke that bears repeating.

The Venn diagram of the two groups looks like a single circle with blurry sides.

Or, more importantly, that vast numbers—dare I say, the majority?—of white men will also buy tickets for movies featuring women and non-white men.

Hell, if you want a better example of a conservative outlet that is more honest than Fox, try Wall Street Journal.

About the only thing she tried to ban in the show was gallon-sized fast food soft drinks. So, yeah, totally, 100% fascist. /jerkoffmotion