
I can actually agree with that. Early Pam Anderson had kinda a Norma Jean vibe going on (I preferred Norma Jean to "Marilyn," though that's an unfair comparison, because Marilyn was also far, far superior to Pam Anderson).

As much as I loved the supervillain question when it was actually answered, that was only about 3 times the whole year. Someone should come up with a similarly interesting question, but one that people won't always cop out on. Heck, there you go: "What would you ask next year's guests, that will be potentially

Nah, Harley Quinn is supposed to be petite. That's really her only definite physical trait. Her bust size varies wildly by interpretation.


Aaaand, just like Pamela Anderson, she does nothing for me. (I'm not normally ok with judging actors/celebrities by their looks, but considering that's the whole point of this role, I'd say this is an exception.) *edit* Or, maybe that's just not a great photo of her. She looks better elsewhere.

Not to mention the fact that absofuckinglutely no one used Yahoo Screen.

…is it not more likely that the failure of Community is Yahoo Screen's fault?

Let me know when you bring it to the marketplace. I will give you my money for that app.

To be fair, it's kinda an unavoidable spoiler today. I've seen mention of it in numerous places.

You have no idea how disappointed I was just now when I looked for that app and realized that, yes, you were, in fact, just making a joke.

They're both about equally effective, but pissing in the wind isn't a thing that people are known for doing.

Online petitions: yelling at clouds for Millennials.

On the other hand, online petitions have 0 effectiveness anyway, so… I guess it all balances out?

I'm unaccountably excited for this.

No, no. The correct nomenclature is "Fucking Casuals."

There are people anticipating the X-Men movie and the Superman/Batman movie? Even as a lifelong comic book fan, I can't muster more than disinterest in either of those two inevitable trainwrecks.

Yes, it's part of "invader" but without the prefix, it doesn't even slightly mean anything pejorative or menacing. Well… I suppose it could be pejorative when you realize that, assuming the whole Dutch theory isn't correct, his name means Darth Comer. Darth Comer, the Sith porn star.

Darkest Dungeon is, indeed, a great game. Once I eventually get burned out on Fallout 4, I'll definitely be spending a lot more time with my damaged adventurers.

Yeah, but to be fair, the Deadpool that Liefeld gave us isn't the one we have now. We can thank a bunch of more talented creators for that. Though I suppose your treasure map analogy still holds up, since his creation only led to the character we know and love. So, yeah, ignore my counterpoint.

Oh my god, you're so right! How did we all never realize how vital it was for Ben Urich to be white?!