
Yeah, well, you can't expect much from a Phantom Menace apologist. When literally the best that can truthfully be said of a film is that "it's not *all* bad," you're on pretty shaky ground.

"What makes a man turn neutral Canadian?"

As far as I am concerned, Mark Millar is this generation's Rob Liefeld, only worse, because Liefeld could at least use brain damage as an excuse.

The guy who wrote the "seriously, guys, the Phantom Menace fuckin' rules! (and you're all stupid doo-doo heads if you disagree)" article a few weeks back is most definitely Seether.

Yeah, but the whole "Dong" thing was a misdirect. It was an obvious, unfunny joke to make us look one direction when they hit us from the other direction with the "Kim-mi" (spelling probably wrong) "means dong in Vietnamese" joke.

midi-whatnow? So now it's okay to just make up words in a style guide?

God, I hope Colbert doesn't take this advice and start emulating the Jims.


And the best part is, when you're rich, you get to be a classy expatriate, rather than a filthy refugee.

Goddamn… this is one of my favorite games I always forget about. I really need to dig out my old copy one of these days. If nothing else, I need to try to finish my Chrysler Building climb…

That was my biggest fear and confusion as I was watching the show: how the hell are they going to make another season of this? Fortunately, the finale laid the groundwork for the continuation in a fairly satisfying way. It's definitely going to be far different than this season's "Jessica vs. Kilgrave"

My guess is that secret torture prisons are a good way to give a degree of moral ambiguity to your heroes, and also to address the fact that when you're dealing with people whose abilities render any sort of traditional, non-lethal justice impossible, you tend to look at desperate measures.

I might have to consider that. Although even then, I feel quite a bit of loyalty to my LCBS, so I'd partially feel like I was screwing him over if I went that route.

I, too, like this trend, but my wallet really does not. I swear Marvel's end goal is to take every last cent of my money. And I don't even buy any of the fucking variant covers.

Goddammit, Marvel, you're making me go broke! At this point I'm wishing Marvel would just fuck up royally so I could save some goddamn money.

Alternately spelled "this is fucking stupid, the dumb little kiddies won't be able to get enough of it."

Her? (Ok, also "Him?" but that's not an Arrested Development joke…which I suppose was already a weak joke because she's totally not Mae Whitman, but whateverleavemealone.)

Pretty sure that's how it's spelled in Disney memos.

Master of None was a huge, extremely pleasant surprise to me. I've never been a fan of Ansari's man-child persona, as displayed in Tom Haverford up until the final couple seasons. I'm glad I gave this show a shot, despite my misgivings. It was easily one of the best shows I've seen.

In theory, yes, but there may be some precedent that precludes that. I'm not a lawyer, but I do know that civil and criminal cases are handled separately and only have a limited impact on each other.