
In a legal sense, no, not at all, since one is a criminal case and this is a civil case. The two have no bearing on each other in a legal sense.

Crazy, I actually had a couple issues of Starbrand back in the day. I think we found them in a bargain bin somewhere. Kinda cool that they're trying to salvage some of that failed line. *edit* Also, was New Universe a late '80s thing? I would swear it was back in the mid-'80s that I had those comics… guess I need

Yeah, but at least if we design an AI to do it for us, we can skip a bunch of the guilt. We can go to our death camps feeling good about ourselves.

Thanks, Obama!

I find it hard to believe Yahoo actually makes enough money to deliver their CEO more than a modest pile.

…motherfucking autoplaying videos? Don't fucking do that. Seriously. *edit* Even worse, there's two of them, they play simultaneously, AND I can't see any way to set them not to autoplay. Thanks.

Except that hellfire (in the sense of torment) was never a biblical teaching. In the context of Jewish belief (which, of course, is what Christianity was built upon), all references to fire and brimstone would have been understood to refer to destruction, not torment. The only mentions of endless torment can be

I'm wondering how HateSong is a "deliberately-piss-people-off-so-they'll-click" feature, considering that 9.5 times out of 10, the target song is low-hanging fruit that almost everyone agrees is shit. Unless you are angered by low-hanging fruit.

Maybe it's a "Christian Bale's character in Empire of the Sun" situation. Sure, he's not so bad by the end of the movie, but the little shit should have been strangled with his own intestines long before that point.

How sad is it that it's become a safe assumption that any sufficiently awful commenter on this site is the same person. Actually… on typing that, I realize it actually says a lot about how much of a comparative sanctuary this is from the usual internet awfulness.

He's worse than Jason Todd, and I'm still pissed that they brought him back. As far as I'm concerned, Grayson and Drake are the only true Robins.

I'm going to choose not to read anything into this. While it's obvious that Lucas has long since forgotten how to make a good movie, it doesn't follow that he'd necessarily no longer recognize a good movie if he saw one. Yeah… I'm just gonna keep telling myself that. Don't mind me plugging my ears and humming to

This looks interesting, but I refuse to read another Bat-family book until they kill off that motherfucker Damien.

Lots of great stuff on here, but mostly it just reinforces my realization that I really need to get around to watching Key and Peele. I've caught quite a few of their sketches here and there and I've always loved them, but never got around to watching their show. Definitely need to fix that.

…Chevelle does not even remotely belong in a list with the rest of those groups. Unless you're including them there as a token "doesn't totally suck" band.

I had almost the exact same thought. I was like, "What? Charlie Day's wife sings?"

Isn't that already his platform?

Now that's just not fair.

Now you're just making up words.

Let me chime in with another "no shit."