
…EPIX is still a thing?

Yeah, but they could probably just take that photo in the office of any random record company exec.

Blizzard? I assumed it was just loads of cocaine.

I guess the problem is that we both have fundamentally different views of what the free market is (or what it's capable of being), so this is going to be an agree to disagree situation. My views are typically pretty close to your own, and you seem like a decent dude, so I don't feel like letting this devolve into

But again, the same thing happens in the "real" free market. And don't tell me that there's any more accountability there than there is on Kickstarter. Until this country elects someone like Bernie Sanders (which will never happen), that shit is still going to happen.

They've had plenty of misses of late, but plenty of hits as well. Ms. Marvel is great, Squirrel Girl is great, plenty of other books are either very good or at least have the potential to be so. I, for one, am happy that they have been taking risks. If nothing else, they've broken free of their reactionary,

See, your argument might have validity if the same goddamn thing didn't happen constantly in the supposedly regulated sections of the free market. Kickstarter is honest-to-god no different than any other investment. Sometimes people get screwed. But at least they're getting screwed investing (for one thing,

Not to be glib or dismissive, but isn't the second line pretty much all of Hollywood?

As much as I find Zach Braff to be a pathetic, delusional little man, I'll always defend his right to use Kickstarter. Kickstarter is a legitimate extension of the free market. Nothing forces anyone to donate. People contribute to projects that they are interested in seeing fulfilled. If $3million worth of private

Yeah, I harbor him no ill will, either, though I do have to wonder how it's even possible to function on the AV Club without at least a passing knowledge of the Simpsons. That'd have to be pretty tough.

Ok… That explains it. Troy McClure was Phil Hartman's most famous character on the Simpsons, and "You may rembember me from…" was his catchphrase.

I'm tired and full of alcohol, so maybe *I'm* just not getting your joke. But… Phil Hartman… Simpsons reference…? Anything?

I believe so. It seems to me (with the caveat that I'm tired and full of alcohol at the moment, so I might be imagining these comments) that it was one of those things where even as shocked as a lot of people were initially, those who knew her later reflected that they should have seen it coming.

While I'd normally agree with that sentiment, I think this is the only casting choice I don't find totally unpalatable.

To be fair, though, Kill La Kill was excellent.

I could save you baby, but it isn't worth my time,
And I could make you chase me for a little price is right.

Yeah, my parents and sisters love this show, so I've caught a few episodes at their house. It's one of those shows that would be disgusting in its earnest wholesomeness, were it not for the fact that the cast has just enough charisma to actually pull it off.

Exactly. At its worst (i.e./e.g. most of the first CC season) there were a few episodes where I only laughed once or twice in a whole episode. That's still better than some shows, Family Guy in particular.

I wondered if it was pure nostalgia until I watched them back-to-back. There is a definite drop in quality in the CC episodes. Even the best CC episodes have a far lower "laugh density" than the old ones. Don't get me wrong, I'm still happy that the CC run happened, but it was never quite as good as the original

Honestly, I have always blamed Family Guy for the general shoddiness of the CC seasons of Futurama. The first CC season in particular largely felt like a direct aping of Family Guy. The later seasons did somewhat regain their own voice, but they were just not as clever as the originals.