
You know, sometimes I think you aren't a terrible person, and other times are this moment right here.

Oh, I understood your intent. My reply was not meant to argue with you, but simply to agree with what you just said.

Oh yeah, there were a few CC episodes that were most definitely solid. But overall they were dross.

Sorry, actually feel kinda rude ninja-ing your response. I just couldn't leave it hanging there, though.

What if that thing I just said.

The pre-CC seasons were far more hit than miss. The CC seasons were far more miss than hit.

As much as I love Futurama, I just can't bring myself to give even the slightest shit about this. *edit* Aside from the fact that mobile games tend to be very meh at best, there's the fact that considering the generally weak quality of the Comedy Central seasons, there's no reason to think that simply having a few

Most of what you just wrote makes me even more sad.

I just want more "With Bob and David." Seriously, who the hell thought 4 half-hour episodes would be enough for our endless cravings? *edit* Just to clarify, I'm not trying to be ungrateful. 4 more episodes of not-quite Mr. Show is better than no episodes. Just… more please.

I would agree with you, were it not for the abomination of the Baby. I hate that character even more than I hate Jar Jar. Hell, even more than I hate Anakin, which is actually more than I hate Jar Jar.

The way I see it, shows like Barney are simply insulting. They run with the assumption that all children are complete imbeciles with shitty taste. And while that is certainly true of a lot of children, it seems to me that children are the one demographic for whom we absolutely should not cater to the lowest

"Not the mama/momma" never grated on me the way "I'm the baby, blahblahblahpleaseshootme" did. Seriously, fuck that character, and fuck Kevin Clash's skill at voicing fucking annoying characters.

I'm surprised and gratified to see "Dinosaurs" on this list. That's another one of those shows that people always seem to remember fondly, but which I have always hated, despite the fact that I was (like most young boys) a huge fan of all things dinosaur. Also, I never realized before that Kevin Clash was Baby. It

Wow, two in a row. You're on fire today. You're still no RepostedA7XFan, but then you don't really have as much great material to work with.

Normally, I am not a fan of the Seinfeld Quote Generator gimmick account, but this right here was masterful. I regret I have but one upvote to give you!

Can't be assed. Also was busy at the time. But hey, thanks for the constructive comment!

*written down AT a young audience. Kid-lit is seriously one of the most insulting inventions of the modern world. How it gets published without anyone asking why we didn't need our books dumbed down when we were kids is beyond me.

DDO was horrible. LotRO was great, I'd still be playing it if my RL friends hadn't all bailed…

That was my mom and (step-)dad's wedding song.

The thing that pisses me off the most about those armchair generals is that they clearly don't understand the situation there at all. So, do those patriots fight for or against the genocidal-but-secular tyrant who has been killing them indiscriminately, or do they fight for or against the genocidal-but-Islamist