
That scene is pretty much the reason why so many of us left the theater thinking we'd seen something great on opening night. Unfortunately, afterward the rest of the movie sank in and we realized we'd been had.

Exactly! That's always been one of my favorite things about him. The man was goddamn Schindler, but sure, he'll be in your silly videogame or cheesy action flick, it's all good.

There is actually one candidate (can't remember his name) who has made numerous comments to that effect; however, he seems to be quite demonized by his base right now, so I suppose that actually supports your point far more than it hurts it.

Part of me wonders if Trump and Carson's candidacies are all a master plan by the GOP to make the ultimate nominee (Bush, Romney, or other) seem extremely inviting to non-insane voters. I know at this point Bush looks great to me, in comparison.

If someone had said that a few months ago, I would have been horrified at the possibility. Now, I almost wish he were the second favorite. He's somehow less terrifying a prospect than the actual front-runners. Still terrifying, but… yeah.

Has anyone ever checked to make sure William Gibson isn't actually a time-traveler from the future?

Don't you mean "Hermano"?

That, and despite the inherent beauty of new life entering the world, it's impossible for lyrics about placenta not to be gross.

See, it's a conundrum: on one hand, her status as Typhoid Mary makes her much less attractive, but on the other hand, I'd feel far less guilty about valuing her for nothing more than how easily I can ejaculate while looking at her. This is why I like to masturbate with both hands.

Well, I have a seething hatred for iceberg lettuce, based on the fact that it 1) tastes terrible, 2) rots within hours, and 3) has no nutritional value whatsoever. So I tend to crusade less "for" other greens than "against" iceberg lettuce, simply because I have such a raging hate boner for iceberg.

I wonder what would happen if we all stopped hate-clicking these asinine "Great job, Internet" articles? I mean, yeah, once in about 200 articles there's actually something worthwhile, but seriously… yeah, I know it's an old gripe. I guess hate-clicks are what AVC is counting on here. We should all try to do better

"Taken over." (Nah, just kidding, GH can be obnoxious, but he's not *that* obnoxious.)

My guess is that the day before Hateful Eight is released, they're going to make the (completely illegal) announcement that police officers will not respond to any calls from theaters screening the movie.

For once. But don't think this makes us even, Internet! You have a lot to atone for, still.

Well, obviously it's a matter of degrees. No one over the age of 15 is going to say PewDiePie isn't awful, but he's a different kind of awful than The Fat Jew.

Well, it could also have been a picture of him killing himself. But yeah, yours is better. I literally almost fell out of my chair laughing. (And I do mean "literally" literally, otherwise I would have stated that I DID fall out of my chair laughing.)

…and? (Hint: something about it affecting your current business prospects.)

Yeah, I definitely don't hate Uncanny, and I think it has tremendous potential, concept wise. I just also didn't find the first issue to be particularly solid. But, yeah, the one with Squirrel Girl (why the hell can I never remember that series's name?) just seems terribly disjointed and just generally flawed.

Yeah, I feel the same way. I still liked Uncanny better than the other one, because it seems like it at least has some potential. Actually, though, I wish they'd put Squirrel Girl on that team instead. I am a huge Squirrel Girl fan, but I don't think she fits the team she's in at all. But in Uncanny, she could

Still looking forward to this, despite how disappointing (though, really, it's my own fault for having any kind of expectations) the first two new Avengers books were (Uncanny Avengers and errr… the one with Squirrel Girl and a bunch of people I don't care about). I'm still going to give the other books a couple more