
Yes, women can't be misogynists just like internalized racism is impossible. GTFO.

Yeah, I think it was from a StarWipe article, wasn't it? I kicked myself for letting my masochism guide me to read those comments.

That is a very fair point. Definitely not my intent. I sometimes get blinded by my seething hatred for those shitbags and their transparent lies.

It's his (her?) thing. @avclub-1922cc1dc1286b56a2d99b7f1aa0630c:disqus always downvotes for use of hashtags.

Why? This is exactly the sort of thing those assholes love to attack, because it's created by a woman, from a woman's perspective.

*edit* Redacted to avoid summoning unwelcome pieces of shit to this conversation.

Strangely, I did learn about the internment camps when I was in elementary school. I don't know whether it's simply because at the time Montana had one of the better school systems in the country, or whether it's because at least one of the internment camps had been located within 50 miles of our town.

…I just realized what "Whip/Nae Nae" must be about.

…you don't remember the most epic wizard's duel of all time?!

Hence "worthy successors." Limp Bizkit may have claimed Tool as an influence, but aside from perhaps being inspired by some of Tool's more profane songs, the influence was clearly limited, and Limp Bizkit is far from worthy to carry on the legacy of any band. Heck, Limp Bizkit (more specifically Fred Durst) would be

"Kids today just don't have very tasty brains. Also, shotguns hurt worse now than they did when I wasn't as old."

Police Unions: the only unions Republicans don't want to shut down.

Good, "influential" bands leaving behind few to no worthy successors isn't all that uncommon, though. Take Tool for instance. The closest you can find to decent bands who are arguably influenced by Tool are Chevelle and Deftones (albeit in much different ways… and again, YMMV regarding the influence OR their

That can't be right, either, though. Even RHCP's worst song is better than Smash Mouth's best song. And, no, I'm not exactly a RHCP fan. They're just objectively better than Smash Mouth (yes, I know that art can't "objectively" be anything… but anyone who argues that Smash Mouth isn't utterly awful is just wrong

Come to think of it, this is probably the only RHCP song that I hate, as well. It really is a terrible song from a band who is otherwise pretty enjoyable.

I meant you can ignore him in the context of the movie, not that you can ignore the unfortunate implications of a blackface alien imbecile.

Because they are separated by a distance of several sectors, many light years apart, and transporter technology only works at light speed (you're essentially faxing a disassembled version of yourself). Thus, even if you could create a transporter beam stable enough not to lose cohesion across that distance, it would

No, it had something to do with firing essentially light beams while travelling at faster than the speed of light. I'm not sciency enough to know if that actually holds up to any scrutiny (it seems legit, but I don't even play a scientician on TV), but that was essentially the reasoning.

"Why are we all speaking in a British accent when we're in outer space and there is no Britain?"