
That, and Anakin (both pre- and adolescent versions) were far, far worse than Jar Jar. Like, seriously, Jar Jar is offensive, but he's something you can ignore. Anakin being a worthless, annoying little shit is not something you can ignore.

…Is this a new theory? I'm fairly sure this has been floating around for years now. At the very least, I know that my best friend first threw this by me maybe 10 years ago.

I liked Cummerbund Bandersnatch's performance as Khan. In fact, I liked it quite a bit. Other than that, though, yeah, the movie was utter shite. So many things made me mad, especially as a lifelong Trekkie. PHASERS DON'T WORK AT WARP, THAT'S WHY THEY INVENTED PHOTON TORPEDOES! AND YOU CAN'T TAKE A TRANSPORTER

Yeah, seriously, how did that not come up with the "celebrity confusion" question?

Before my comment, a disclaimer: I am a fan of Tool, and a fan of MJK in general. That said, I know he's a huge asshole. Therefore, I was quite surprised with how good this interview was. Somewhat less surprised, though, that he actually had a damn good, non cop-out answer to the supervillain question.

…as opposed to Rob Liefeld's pristine original version?

Sad upvote.

I'd say that's less Marvel's fault, and more the fault of readers with shitty taste. I'd rather read a dozen "gone in a year, but actually interesting" titles like She Hulk, than any of the A-List "never be cancelled, but never be changed" books.

Billy's planet? THE EARTH!

As a nerd myself, I am well aware that nerds can get girlfriends. Nerds who are also huge misogynist assholes, however, seem like they should be another story entirely.

Goddammit, Internet! Seriously, though, this is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen, and I have a sense of humor that is finely calibrated to appreciate stupid humor. There was just nothing redeeming about this.

It reminds me of the assholes at Tucker Albin (a major collection agency based in Texas). For the better part of 2-3 years, we got extremely insulting, baldly lying, borderline threatening phone calls from them. No, they weren't trying to collect from us, they were trying to solicit our business. WHAT THE FUCK?!

The Zoe Quinn part is the only part that actually has *anything* to do with "ethics in journalism," and even there it's bullshit. The claim that Quinn corrupted the journalistic process with her magical vagina is the central point of the "ethics" argument, and of course, even that is bullshit, because the supposed

No offense, but why would anyone assume that any GamerGater has a girlfriend?

For me, I could say either the Belchers or the Addams Family, or maybe the Chances from Raising Hope. That is to say, my family is pretty damn weird, but always loving and supportive. Although, by this I mean my mother, stepfather, and siblings (full and half-), not my biological father's family, who are much less

Gold bears? As in Haribo Gold Bears? Because that makes for a surprisingly amusing mental image.

Quite possibly the greatest sad, funny, terrifying, reassuring song of all time.

Imagine Bush was twice as dumb, and Cheney was twice as hateful. That's Trump.

If Trump becomes president, we'll all be pining for the good old days of Bush/Cheney, and not simply out of misplaced nostalgia.

Actually, there was a really depressing (despite Soren Bowie's glorious visage) video on Cracked the other day that pointed out that we'd be lucky to end up with Idiocracy. Essentially, in that future, everyone may be dumb as hell, but 1) they know it, and 2) they're generally not malicious.