
Actually, there was a really depressing (despite Soren Bowie's glorious visage) video on Cracked the other day that pointed out that we'd be lucky to end up with Idiocracy. Essentially, in that future, everyone may be dumb as hell, but 1) they know it, and 2) they're generally not malicious.

While I do actually like Jason Lee and most of his body of work, it's not near enough to excuse anything about those abominations.

In other news, the sky is blue and above us, grass is green and below us.

In other news, the sky is blue and above us, grass is green and below us.

I dunno, Bodie had at least some redeeming qualities.

*a single black rain cloud forms over Jamboxdotcom's head*

You just made me feel almost sad enough to outweigh my happiness at Squirrel Girl's return :/

Yaaaaaay! The last couple months have been pretty rough without new Squirrel Girl.

Oh, I know. As I said, it's not necessarily his beliefs I have an issue with, it's the fact that this movie even needs to be made. The fact that this even needs to be discussed is what makes me angry. The fact that it's only one of scores of instances of "Christians" behaving and (more importantly) believing 100%

I'm less concerned with his personal beliefs than I am with the fact that "God, Guns, and Country" is a thing at all. This isn't even a "No True Christian" fallacy, it's just a plain, simple fact that no true Christian, by virtue of requirements laid out by Jesus Christ himself, would consider owning a weapon for

The closest I've ever found for the capitalism argument was from a Mormon, who essentially emphasized 1 Timothy 5:8 (any man who doesn't adequately provide for his family is no true Christian). Still, there's a world of difference between "providing for your family" and "being a greedy, selfish asshole."

"…the relationship between guns and the Christian faith." You mean the one that wouldn't fucking exist if even a single one of these piece of shit Evangelicals ever once read their fucking Bibles, particularly the parts concerning Jesus, i.e. the parts that are actually important to Christians? As God as my witness,

This disappoints me. I actually enjoyed the old Jem cartoon as a kid, even as a boy, so I was kinda hoping this movie would be at least somewhat decent. Oh well, it was a forlorn hope anyway.

Sounds somewhat similar in nature to a particular Tom Lehrer song about some wee Irish lass who cheerfully murders her entire family over the course of a song. *edit* However, Tom Lehrer's music was pretty much all darkly comedic, so if your song was meant in earnest, maybe it's not the same thing at all.

Still one of my favorite movies. Definitely an interesting point, though, about how disturbing it was for a "kid's movie." Yes, definitely disturbing, but at the same time it makes a strong case for not sheltering kids from disturbing things. Kids are surprisingly resilient.

First, while I can understand how the menu change could cause other problems (slow service and such), I can't see how it would result in reduced tickets. It seems to me that the breakfast menu is mostly more expensive than the lunch menu, isn't it?
Second, maybe it's not the case other places, but around here

Just want to say that this was fantastic. Also, thank you for finally giving us essentially a transcription of a "Mom On Pop."

As long as I'm already reminding everyone of the depressing reality of this election: is there any difference between Hillary and a Republican in the White House? Republicans may hate her, but her policies are their policies.

Yeah, that's fair. A lot of it is pretty much Family Guy shit. As I've mentioned in other replies, I haven't watched it in a few years, so that may be what most of it has become. Still, a lot of the first 2-3 seasons was pretty great.

That's fair. I haven't watched it for 3-4 years, but a lot of the old stuff was pretty great.