
It would be easy to write Robot Chicken off as a "stoner show," but it would also be a real injustice. For every stupid "stoner humor" sketch, there are 2-3 that are freakin' hilarious and borderline brilliant.

You are, of course, correct. The important thing, though, isn't who labeled him such but rather the fact that "socialist" is a pejorative in this country, which has decided that many European countries don't exist, and that countries like North Korea and China, which were never socialist, are the only examples of

My take is more cynical than that. I think he could unite enough people (at least to get the nom; convincing people that "socialist" doesn't mean "North Korean Fuckwit" might stymie him in the actual election), but even if he did, the electoral college or some other instrument of the establishment will negate the

Well, it's quite possible most Americans won't vote for him simply because he's been labeled a socialist, which is pretty much the worst thing a politician can be called in America right now short of "Atheist," "Muslim," or "pedophile." (For the record, I only agree with one of those labels being a serious problem,


And she's playing the game. She's not alienating the powerful lobbies and industries, unlike Sanders. Sanders is making the mistake of catering to the people, when the people don't actually have any goddamn power.

Didn't say I wouldn't. I said he won't win for that reason. And if you think that popular opinion counts for shit in the presidential election, I have news for you. The fact is, Bernie Sanders isn't playing the game. The system will not allow someone who isn't playing the game to win. There's no doubt he's the

I'm pretty sure that to qualify as a Nielsen viewer, you have to own at least two guns for each member of your household.

Exactly. Bernie Sanders would be awesome to listen to, but most rational people know he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. He's just too honest to have a shot.

"I'd rule the world." That's bad. "But I'd end war." That's good. "But I'd make everyone listen to what I wanted to listen to." That's bad. "It could be John Coltrane…" That's good. "…or Paramore." That's bad. Maybe he technically did give us an actual super-villain answer?

He's making fun of the exact same mentality, soo…

I thought about running that direction with my comment, but figured the "free porn" angle would be more relatable for the common working schlub.

That's $30 a month! I can get way more/better porn than that for free!

That's fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better.

You know, I never gave this show a chance, solely because I found Frankie Muniz to be completely insufferable, but I've sometimes regretted it, particularly after Breaking Bad made the whole world realize how awesome Bryan Cranston is.

Well, to me it seemed that he was specifically focusing on the "add a supernatural element to x" reworkings, which have been pretty consistently execrable. In fact, I'd almost go so far as to say that other than in the hands of someone like Neil Gaiman, they're pretty much guaranteed to be garbage.

Even if the reworks are lazy pieces of shit? I mean, I agree with you in theory; reimaginings of classics can be pretty great. But in practice, all the examples he's listed here have been abominable.


… while I appreciate the sentiment that the Atlas Shrugged movies are shit unworthy of anyone's money, I bristle at the suggestion that crowdfunding is somehow not part of the free market.

Assuming vinyl sales are a subsection of all hard music products, that tells me that CDs, cassettes and such are down significantly, but vinyl sales are up. I.e. the overall category took a dip because of significant declines in certain products, but vinyl was an anomalous spike.