
Yeah, but I put goth in quotes for a reason. Technically, neither Bauhaus, nor Siouxsie and the Banshees, nor Joy Division are goth, either, but most accept that the label is a decent way to classify them.

I've always been a fan of "goth" stuff, but never liked the Cure. Robert Smith's lyrics have always struck me as a bit too "self-absorbed 15-year-old's poetry."

I'm so sick of this huck getting work.

Well, yeah, we'll all be screwed, but let's not kid ourselves into thinking that brown people won't have it worse.

Oh, I have no doubt Bernie Sanders could take the popular vote. The problem is that he's made enough enemies of extremely powerful industries, that the popular vote won't matter for him. Not to sound all tinfoil-hattery, but people in power won't allow him to become the next president, will of the people be damned.

"Nightmare hybrid" is right. If Trump is elected, we'll all be wishing for another Reagan or Bush. And god help anyone who isn't white.

I really wish you were right. The problem is that Trump has not only the old, white, rich demographic, but also the poor, white, dumbfuck demographic, which sadly accounts for a significant portion of the country. At this point, the best bet for keeping Trump from the White House is for Fox News and the Republican

I wish he were right about Trump, but I think he's wrong. The problem is that as big a joke as Trump may be, he'll be facing either Hillary or Bernie for the actual election. Hillary is experiencing tremendous backlash, both from the Republicans who hate her for being a Democrat and a Woman and The Killer of

As much as I love Tim Commerford, there can be no forgiveness for unleashing…uhhh, whatsisname. Damn, this is actually a really good feeling, being unable to recall the name of Limp Bizkit's insufferable douchebro frontman. *edit* And then I read other comments, and remember Fred Durst's name. Goddammit.

Well of course he isn't Jewish, he's a Marxist! Duh! — The Republican Party

"Cool goth phase"?! No such thing. And I say this as a former goth myself. *edit* Also, isn't TKK more industrial than goth? Well, dance-industrial?

Yeah, that's what I did initially, as well. Then I started parsing it later, and almost punched a hole in my monitor.

Oh god… I just realized how her name is ostensibly pronounced, and now I feel the need to punch someone :(

Nope. It goes straight through "so bad it's good" and out the other side into "so bad it's just plain bad." If anything, it's possible the first season was actually "so bad it's good." It certainly had more than its fair share of flaws, despite being fairly entertaining.

My guess (and rationalization) is that it isn't actually good, it's just good in comparison to the trainwreck of the original series.

As much as I did sort of like the first season of Heroes, I could never call it good, thanks mostly to that goddamn asinine "Save the cheerleader, save the world" line. It always bugged me (in fact, I didn't actually give the series a chance until halfway through the first season, for that very reason; I only

It's like he's trying to convince me to start watching Fox News.

Mmmmmm. So many things for me to like about this. Mostly Alison Brie, but the game looks cool, too.

Why does she not simply consume the smaller wife?

Cover, and if we're lucky, the centerfold.