
Didn't Duchovney's sex addiction come to light before Californication, though? For some reason I always got the impression that was sort of a meta-joke with that show. "Here's a show about a writer with a sex addiction, starring an actor with a sex addiction!"

Honestly, even as physically repulsive as he is, I think since he's orders of magnitude less morally repugnant than Trump (still repugnant, just not in the same league as Trump), I could almost tolerate that one.

I'm pretty goddamn cynical, but this is is shocking even to me.

… Seriously, what the hell can you say about this?

Or, possibly, that both the misogynist men and the misogynist One Million Moms are being terribly reductive in their definitions of feminism.

So, according to One Million Moms, being a feminist means being in favor of promiscuity? Explain to me again why so many men claim to hate feminists?

This is exactly why, despite being a fan of goth music, and even, to a lesser degree, goth fashion, I've always maintained that goth is the one subculture wherein EVERY member is a poseur.

Ohh, yeah, that's right Loop and Dizzy clearly weren't previous Minutemen. I'd forgotten about them. It's been a few years, so in addition to my initial confusion, i've compounded it with poor memory.

See, I figured the whole Minuteman thing was that all the guys who "became" Minutemen in the series were former Minutemen who had been memory-wiped, or something along those lines.

Is *that* what it was about? Seriously, though, I've never had so little understanding of what was happening in a comic series I read from issue 1 through the end that wasn't written by Grant Morrison. I've been meaning to reread 100 Bullets in one sitting for years, hoping that maybe I'd finally understand it.

'Cause if there's one demographic that produces a lot of feminists, it's definitely fundamentalist Christians!

Such awful, cloying, boring, formulaic, awful books.

I think you mean to say that people prefer narcissistic blowhards who aren't already career politicians.

Rob Corddry's brother (or was it rival? both?) on Childrens Hospital!

I'm in the same boat. They're one of those bands I've always felt I *should* like, I just don't. They're kinda like the musical version of Minecraft for me, I guess: I respect the hell out of what they're doing, it's just not for me.

Just adding my voice to all the other comments about how despite not particularly being a fan of either band, that was pretty awesome.

If you could kill someone on your way out, it'd really help me out.

Because if there's one thing Hollywood does well, it's never learning.

No, no, she's only a cracker crust, wrapped around a pound of bacon, the bacon in turn wrapped around a pound of cheese, and the whole thing fried in butter.

Thanks, I was getting really confused. I was like, "I know this show wasn't on when I was 16, was it?!"