
That woman is not nearly as attractive as Kari Byron, sorry. The Joel McHale comparison holds up ok, though.

Even more annoying is that it's not necessarily even that simple. A lot of those people really, truly believe that what they're selling works. So it's not simply "how can I make a buck off this schmuck's misfortune," it's also "how can I get this person to use something that will help them." So the motives aren't

That confused me as well. My best guess is that he picked that as the "happy" item simply because it's at least a fairly harmless and entertaining branch of pseudoscience.

Sounds like Kangan water. That's one of their big claims: alkalizing the water supposedly fights cancer. Obviously bullshit, but tons of people buy into it.

Plus, how anyone can focus on Jar-Jar, despite every prequel version of Anakin being even worse? There's no shortage of things to complain about in that movie that doesn't really exist.

Considering it was written (or rather the book it was based on was) by Harry Harrison, it wouldn't be a terrible stretch.

Yeah, this is exactly why I am so terrified at the likely prospect of Trump being our next president: not only is he a terrible, terrible person, he's also wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy dumber than any of his fans realize. He's likely to not only curtail personal freedom in this country to an extent previously unseen, but also

The problem with Empire is they always try to walk it in.

Let's all play "spot the GamerGater/MRA"!

I agree, and I wasn't trying to be pedantic. It just seems that on the internet "seldom" gets interpreted as "never" and so you always end up with people throwing out counter-examples. And, as I said, that's unnecessary to anyone with reading comprehension, because we already get that such cartoonish examples do

…she already said "seldom." Seldom does not mean "never," so your counter examples were unnecessary.

An unfortunately large percentage of people aren't able to separate criticism from condemnation. I once had someone tell me I was being a bad friend for criticizing some elements of my best friend and his fiance's (who was also a close friend of mine) relationship. Essentially, she was treating him like a doormat,

…doesn't it already do that? Or am I mistaking correlation and causation again?

Even then, I'd say if that's his worst *professional* hardship, that's pretty tame. Now, if he'd said *financial*, then I might allow it.

I actually had the same confusion as C.C. Dowd for many years (thinking Transmetropolitan Warren Ellis was the same person as Nick Cave's New BFF Warren Ellis). I think my reaction on learning differently was about the same as well.

It has always saddened/angered me that Warren Ellis has published so many comics through Avatar. In fact, that's largely the reason I lost track of his work for several years, because it got to the point where I wasn't going to support Avatar just to read a Warren Ellis comic.

You know what makes me angry? The fact that this girl's existence basically justifies abominable atrocities like Dance Moms. The fact that undeniable talent was discovered as a result of something so disgusting.

Man, I loved him in Mystery Men. Totally unfamiliar with his other work. Might have to check some of it out, sometime.

Political disagreement is one thing. Supporting Trump is something else entirely.

I know. Like I said, it makes no sense (aside from the fact that I'm nearly 100% heterosexual).