
Strangely enough, Cavill does nothing for me, despite the fact that were he a girl, he'd check pretty much every box on my list.

You shut your whore mouth (joking about the "whore" part… just if you're gonna tell someone to shut their mouth, it's part of the deal)! He's one of my 2-3 Kinsey-scale exceptions as a straight man, and he's at the top of that list.

Thank you! You've saved me a ton of blood, sweat, and tears!

I really hate these situations where I have to decide which side of a conflict I hate more.

Dammit, I was gonna make a comment about being offended at you characterizing it as a choice, but I see others have beaten me to that joke :(

I suspect a lot of schools have an unfairly hated old, lesbian PE teacher who is actually a much better person than most of her students will ever realize. It's practically an archetype.

Strangely (or not?), my favorite PE teacher was the old lesbian who was hated by everyone else. Everyone else seemed to hate her for being an old, butch(y) lesbian, but I appreciated the fact that she didn't ever seem to single anyone out. She was very fair and didn't play favorites or unfavorites. Wonder what

I was a skinny kid. Fat now, though. Ummm… I mean big boned!

Yeah, he's bad, but I feel that made him even more perfect for the part of Foggy. I always remember Foggy as a vaguely contemptible, pathetic little man who apparently had some redeeming qualities that occasionally shine through.

Not particularly, because the single, solitary thing I know about Breitbart is that it's a Conservative propaganda site.

I'm deeply disturbed by the number of people defending Limbaugh there. I honestly wouldn't expect to find many Limbaugh-drones on a site like Goodreads.

There's just no sense of urgency to it now, you know? We'll comment on it when we comment on it. Assuming we don't die of old age first. Valar morghulis.

This makes me wonder if an actual working copy of E.T. would be worth anything, or if it's only the semi-mythical status of the "landfill cartridges" that make this valuable. 'Cause I totally have an old E.T. cartridge (well, my brother does, but it's both of ours).

Well, it sure ain't mine!

Oh, I know all about the Disqus vigilance. In fact, I was one of the first to correctly identify him in one of the other articles he was spamming. I've seen many of his attacks. Just have always been curious about the cause of the original ban. His behavior since the ban always seemed out of character for even his

Was that what got him banned in the first place? I remember before he got banned, he was kind of an asshole, but generally fairly harmless, kinda on a level with Gentle Herpes or something. You know, an asshole, but occasionally funny and/or decent. Then he totally went off the rails when he got banned. So I was

(Solidarity upvote, not a "I'm happy this happened" upvote.)

Damn. I was really hoping I was wrong with that guess.

Seems like He Who Shall Not Be Named's MO, too. You know, a certain obese "adult" member of the male gender?

Kinda sad how that advice is almost always required for dealing with the same goddamn person, isn't it?