
I'm guessing this is He Who Shall Not Be Named come back to wail and lament and threaten to cut his wrists again?

Actually, this might even be triple pedantry. Would that make this comment quadruple pedantry? Or just some tangential pedantry? We need more pedants to weigh in on this.

Maybe this is not correct, but wasn't the origin of the term "third world" in reference to countries who were neutral during the Cold War? I.e. not "first world" (NATO countries) or "second world" (Soviet Bloc countries). The fact that by and large the countries that were neutral happened to be poor resulted in the

Well, I suppose it's only fair that the Democrats have their own version of Trump.

Damn, I read the first part of the interview, where she's talking about the people who literally wear rape-endorsements as fashion accessories, and I'm like, "Yeah, that's a fair point." Then she continues with the "if you don't wear a fucking burka, you deserve it, you whore" comment. Nope. Fuck you, Chrissie.

Oh geez… "Left B. Hound" the kid's show about a cartoon dog protecting two orphans from Satan's legions after the Rapture. This dude's a legitimate genius.

I've Seen Worse, Internet. Not Bad, but Not Great, Internet.

Seven of Nine?! Really?! Seven of Nine was an absolute shit character. She was nothing more than blatant T and A, especially since despite your comment to the contrary, Tuvok already filled the "Spock" role. But… I guess this is Voyager we're talking about, so maybe T and A is the best addition that show could

I for one, feel reassured that the only reason a human being isn't actively poring over my personal data is that it's a logistical clusterfuck.

*edit* My comment was a mess, and fixing it would have been a pain in the ass. Long story short, the Sad Puppies may have had a point, but they were fighting a battle that didn't need to be fought, as it's a temporary, self-correcting problem. Instead, they chose to draw up sides which are largely straight, white

So now he's ripping off The Beef, too? *edit* Should have known I'd be beaten to the joke…

Here's Your Participation Award, Internet.

I have nothing but contempt for this piece of shit masquerading as a human being. So, while I utterly despise hackers like whoever did this, I can't help but feel that they at least chose a worthwhile target.

Still a damn good album, whatever the case may be.

I thought we were done with this "most popular x by state" bullshit, since it means exactly nothing? Ohhh, wait, this is "Here's a Participation Award, Internet."

…Pretty sure you hit the nail on the head, actually. He was the ONLY person to lose weight on the silly Subway diet. Even more specifically, even he didn't actually lose weight from eating Subway, but rather from a combination of eating Subway's less unhealthy sandwiches and exercise.

You could, instead, do like I often do, and simply ruin his day by disabusing him of the fallacious belief that rapists/pedophiles are disproportionately targeted in prison. It's just a myth that society has convinced itself is true so they feel better about those kinds of people not being executed.

Technically, it wasn't even the spilling itself, it was the refusal to honor his dead brother's legacy, represented by the spilling. But since the common perception is that he was struck down for stroking it, it makes for an easy joke.

No one would appreciate the convenience of the internet better than a man who was smitten for fapping thousands of years before the internet existed.

The one with the massive rack?