
Not normally a fan of raunchy comedies, but I think I'd watch the hell out of this one. So many hilarious comediennes who also happen to be frickin' gorgeous. And quite a few guy comics I also enjoy.

Sadly, that was my first thought when reading that sentence, as well.

Yes, because it's totally impossible for a man of those times who believes that black people are not inherently evil or inhuman to also believe in segregation. Derp. Let's be clear: Atticus Finch never farted rainbows. He was a good man, but he was still a man, and men can hold seemingly contradictory beliefs.

Actually, Puerto Rican cuisine tends to fall largely on the "non-spicy" side of the spectrum. Source: my brother married into a Puerto Rican family.

I'm surprised the Scooty-Puff Jr/Sr. gags didn't make it into the random thoughts section. That joke has always been one of my favorites from the whole series. …which, I suppose, says some unflattering things about me.

Oh, that's a relief. I, too, was in the "I've wasted my life if he's the same age as me," camp. Because, obviously, his being 6 years older than me totally justifies what I have done with my life.

Two things: my respect for Vasquez just massively increased; and holy shit, he's basically the same age as me?! Also, super excited to pick up the first issue of this comic today or tomorrow, so I guess this is really three things.

Holy crap… how did I never realize that Pornstache and Nick Sobotka were played by the same actor?! This makes me feel really stupid.

Oh joy, Daredevil vs. the worst Marvel character of all time. And that includes S+M Speedball.

I agree. I've always been in the camp of "he's dead, but he'll be back, one way or another," ever since I finished ADwD a few years ago.

I can see that, but as a book reader, I've (since I finished ADwD) been in the camp of "he's dead, but not necessarily gone for good, plus he needs to die to be freed of his Night's Watch vows, yada yada yada."

Still not sure why everyone (read: TV GoT fans) is so upset about this, considering that TV Jon Snow was pretty widely (as far as I was aware, almost universally, in fact) reviled as a whiny little pussy.

Yeah, I liked Tom Bombadil, but I have always firmly defended his excision from the movie. That subplot really had absolutely no bearing on the rest of the story, so there was no reason to keep it. Why add an utterly pointless extra 30 minutes to an already long movie?

What an oddly relevant spambot.

It's right up there with people focusing on Jar Jar as the worst part of the movie, when that distinction clearly belongs to Anakin.

Nope. You arrived at your question from a legitimate position, and you even admitted you didn't know for sure if that would be the case. Sounds like the exact opposite of dumb, to me.

Yeah… that sort of thing pisses me off so bad. I want to find and bludgeon the asshole who changed the labeling laws to make that shit legal. Not so many years ago, you couldn't advertise that a product was free of "x dangerous substance flavor-of-the-week" unless the item in question could be reasonably expected to

Yes, it would. (The distillation removing any traces of the grain it was made from, that is.)

Meaning C cups, rather than D.

I know what I'm ordering for dinner this weekend!