
They have confirmed they are "working" on a new album, but there is absolutely no kind of time frame attached.

I remember that one :) Gonna need to dust off my DVDs and re-watch that series. It's another one that never gets old.

Dunno why he'd want to use something Murdoch is clearly already adept at swimming in.

Fox News

I like how this bot has 49 comments, but only 44 upvotes. And considering that it upvotes itself, that's quite telling. Apparently, some of its posts were too much even for itself to upvote.

Someone else has probably already pointed this out, but… then/than! Geez, you're a professional, please write like one. *edit* Aside from that, though, well done as always!

It's not so much that Pablo Honey is bad—it's a solid alt pop/rock album—as that it's one of Radiohead's weakest, least interesting albums by a pretty wide margin. And even though the "weakest" part may be debatable, the "least interesting" part really isn't.

True, but there are also hormonal issues, sexuality spectrum issues, and a whole lot of other complicated stuff that I am really not qualified to speak to.

No. Gender dysmorphia is totally different. I was just pointing out that the only clinically observed cases of actual racial dysmorphia have been cases where the person was raised by parents of another race. Because race, ultimately, is more a societal construct than a genetic one. *edit* And, to reiterate, the

No. Or rather, the only acknowledged cases of racial dysmorphia (or whatever the term is) have been in relation to people who were adopted by another race at an early age. And even then, it's totally not what Dolezal did. *edit* That is to say, not only does Dolezal not qualify in the sense that she was raised

It's making me ill.

+1 for a quality, non cop out answer to the Supervillain question. -1 for quack medicine. Still good interview overall.

My grandma shot me once. Once!

1. Reaction videos are one of the most idiotic, worthless concepts ever. 2. Jon Snow (especially TV Jon Snow) isn't Lawful Good, he's Lawful Whiny or Lawful Stupid. 3. Due to the aforementioned issues with his alignment, it amazes me that people are so shaken up by his death. It's been my understanding that TV

In response to the question of the headline: Yes. Duh. How is that even in question? Piper in general is almost universally regarded as one of the worst things about the show, with only Larry eclipsing her worthlessness. And yes, I haven't watched this video yet, but it's hard to let a terribly, painfully obvious

Those are the parts Gary was born to play! *edit* …which was probably the joke you were making, already, in which case, sorry for stepping on it.

My heart breaks for Max Raya, thinking that an A7X fan will ever go to college.


I agree that scene was totally badass, but it also felt a bit excessive to me, as well. Errr… actually…

I'm really not trying to define "raunchy" as anything but what it means. I absolutely agree that the comedians you listed could be described as raunchy, it's just that they have plenty of other descriptors that would likely be used before raunchy. Louis CK, for instance, would probably be described as "depressing"