
Pretty raunchy. It seems that the vast majority of their stuff is about taking it up the ass, or telling a guy she doesn't want to suck his dick, etc. Maybe that's not a majority of their work, but it seems that those songs are their only ones that ever come up on my comedy song Pandora station.

The thing about those other guys you mentioned is that "raunch" isn't their defining characteristic. Yes, they can get unabashedly filthy, but that's not their whole schtick. When you describe them (or at least, when most critics and their fans would describe them) they'd probably use a whole lot of adjectives

This is exactly my stance. I absolutely despise the NRA and shitbags like Vaughn here who advocate MORE GUNS, GUNS FOR EVERYONE AT ALL TIMES! (unless you're black), but I also have no use for the people who think bans will accomplish a lick of good. The problem this country has isn't access to guns, it's a culture

Ehhhh… the only way I can see anyone calling it "better" is in the sense that it has 100000% more sex and violence than the first book, which… ymmv. But as far as being an actual better book? It's horribly disjointed compared to the first. The first book had a solid, logical progression. The second felt more like

I was going to say the same thing. I really liked Slow Regard, but somehow I totally missed that subtext.

Well… "benevolent tyrant"/Dr. Horrible isn't quite as big a cop out as the usual "Robin Hood" answer to the supervillain question…but it's still a total cop out. Also, while I love Rothfuss, I feel slightly insulted that he assumed we wouldn't know who BRIAN BLESSED!!!!!! is.

Same here. I always laughingly refer to Skyrim as the Epic Flower Picking/Butterfly Chasing Simulator, because I find I can lose hours and hours doing nothing but roaming around doing exactly that. Hell, despite having several characters levels 60-85ish, I don't think I've ever progressed the main storyline past

Well, the thing is, "playing Doctor" is something that virtually all pre-pubescent children do with other pre-pubescent children at some point. And in that context, it's fine. What Duggar did, however, was not "playing Doctor," because he was (biologically speaking) an adult, and therefore had sexual motives, as

Space isn't the Orient, though. Unless you mean it's oriented directly upward from where we're standing.

Well, statute of limitations aside, the legal system has a terrible track record of prosecuting sex crimes where the victim isn't literally covered in blood and semen on the police station floor. Basically, the attitude seems to be "if you're still OK this long after the fact, it's obviously no big deal, and

While Lena Dunham's situation was extremely disturbing, it was very much the act of a child. If we're going to condemn her, we really should condemn pretty much every kid who ever played doctor. Duggar, on the other hand, was a pubescent young man. His actions were quite clearly sexual and predatory, not exploratory.

…You apparently have an unjustified level of faith in the legal system's proclivity for prosecuting a) sex crimes that are over 5 years in the past and b) rich, famous "Christians."

…why would they put Dorian Gray in it again, when he wasn't in the goddamn comic book? (Other than that, though, I find your casting choices fairly agreeable, aside from the fact that I don't feel the movie should be made at all.)

No, sorry. That movie was absolute shit even on its own merits. It wasn't just a "not as good as the comic" shitty movie, it was just plain terrible.

One of my greatest regrets was talking so many of my friends into seeing that movie on opening night. I talked up the comic so much and convinced everyone that it was going to be great. I'm pretty sure at least half of them never spoke to me again after that night.

Also, the second volume is pretty much just trash compared to the first volume. No one should judge the first by the second.


Jugend/Juden. Yeah, I can see that happening if he had a lisp or a bad cold.

I know it's already mentioned in the Stray Observations above, but "My only regret…is having…bone-itis!" is one of my favorite lines of all time. Also, is the line "that I have" or "having"? I've always remembered it as "having," but it's possible I'm on crack.

I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry after reading this. I suppose I'll probably cry, but at least O'Neal's caustic wit has helped soften the blow…which is pretty ironic.