
Moebius? Is that the hero who stretches his body into shapes that boggle the imagination? *edit* (This is my snarky way of telling you you probably mean Morbius.)

Cultural appropriation 101: Does your culture have a history of persecuting the culture which influences whatever art or style you are performing? If so, use caution and double check your privilege before proceeding. If not, who gives a flying fuck?

Cultural appropriation 101: Does your culture have a history of persecuting the culture which influences whatever art or style you are performing? If so, use caution and double check your privilege before proceeding. If not, who gives a flying fuck?

Cultural appropriation 101: Does your culture have a history of persecuting the culture which influences whatever art or style you are performing? If so, use caution and double check your privilege before proceeding. If not, who gives a flying fuck?

Cultural appropriation 101: Does your culture have a history of persecuting the culture which influences whatever art or style you are performing? If so, use caution and double check your privilege before proceeding. If not, who gives a flying fuck?

Pretty sure it'll induce plenty of whimpering, though.

I love Nick Frost, but I wish he hadn't gone for the typical cop-out answer to the supervillain question.

I was never a fan of Transformers (my family was strictly a Go-Bots family), and I do admit that TMNT (as a cartoon and action figure commercial) was always dumb. But I'll be damned if Michael Bay's TMNT movie didn't somehow lower the bar right through the damn floor. That was seriously one of the biggest pieces of

Nope, there are legit oil reserves down there. There's a lot of fracking going on in this general part of the country, but most of the boom there is was for outright drilling.

Are you just making a "fracking sounds like fucking" joke, or are you actually asking? Because if you're asking, there's still a shitton of oil down there to be removed by conventional drilling. It's just that the "boom" is largely over, because most of the wells are drilled and tapped now, so there's not nearly the

The most recent issue of Thor had her answering calls on her SHIELD phone while in Thor garb. Unless that's a ridiculous red herring, that's who she is. *edit* Actually, I just double checked issue 7. Agent Solomon found the hammer on the moon, but it never showed her picking it up, so yeah, I guess it is a red

It's whatsername, the tree-hugger SHIELD agent. *edit* Ooops.

All of a sudden I see Carla Speed McNeil showing up all over the place again, and it makes me wonder whatever happened to her Finder series from ~10-15 years ago. I was loving that book, and then it just seemed to drop off the face of the earth.

Joking or trolling? Because she has been revealed, and that's 100% definitely not who it is. *edit* Eating crow.

The guy on the left looks like Thom Yorke's long lost, happier, darker, twin brother.

Maybe she just likes their food? I can relate, because I have suffered a similar crisis of conscience recently. Our town just got the first Popeye's Chicken franchise in the state, and I've grown to love their $5 box meals. Unfortunately, I have since discovered that this particular franchise is owned by a former

Now I feel really sad. And maybe a little disgusting by association.

Fair enough. I tend to take reviews in aggregate with their scores. As I said, the point of a critique is to point out what something did right and what it did wrong. When discussing something as consistently great as Futurama, sometimes that means nitpicking the things that separate a really good episode from a

I first watched this with my old roommate, because it was one of his favorites. Considering how much I despise Crichton, I was surprised at how good the movie was. Not great, of course, but definitely fun and interesting.