
Yes, uhhh, she'll be extremely attractive when she reaches the age of majority. *whistles nonchalantly*

I guess most of what she's done in recent years must have been off my radar. I did notice she was in West Wing, but geez… even that was like 15 years ago, wasn't it?

I just came here to say that I'm very pleasantly surprised to learn that Lily Tomlin is still alive. For some reason I thought she died years ago (probably the fact that she's been in next to nothing for the past decade or two). I'll have to check this out. *edit* After learning who the creators of the show are,

Inebriation is no excuse; that was bad and you should feel bad.

I guess we'll just have to disagree on that, then, because I see the "B+" rating as evidence that he's not focusing on those relative weaknesses excessively. It's more that failing to talk about those few weaknesses would essentially leave him with, "Yeah, this was another episode of Futurama, which means it's clever

They really should have stuck with the Hammurderer. They really didn't give him enough of a chance before they pulled the plug. Or threw the switch. However you go about executing a mascot.

You do know what the point of media reviews is, right? And also the fact that "weaker" is a very subjective term, made obvious here by the fact that this "weak" episode is still a "B+" episode? Yes, by Futurama standards, this isn't a great episode. That in no way means it's terrible, it just means it has some

I agree 100%. When I first "met" his character, I was pretty sure I was going to hate him, but he ended up being one of my favorite things about the show.

Which pretty much ensures that it will never happen, unfortunately.

Last time I watched it was only maybe 5 years ago, and it was still pretty awesome then, so I'd say it's a safe bet it holds up. If anything, I think it's one of those movies that's easier to appreciate the older you are.

Weird. I am a huge fan of Martin Freeman and a huge fan of all the movies/shows in question, and I seriously do not remember him being in any of them, despite having watched them all multiple times.

He was only in the last installment of the Cornetto Trilogy, and I don't recall him in Black Books at all.

Episode 3 or 4 is about where I gave up, as well. And it took some effort to make it that far.

A show less deserving of a second season could only be found on…well, several stations to be fair. Still. Not a good show, despite Eddie Izzard's presence. Not at all worth a second season.

Nope. It was pretty awful. And I say that as a former fan of the comics. One who in no way holds the comics up on a pedestal, so my dislike isn't just the typical "not as good as the comics" criticism. It was just bad writing, bad acting, bad television.

I see it less as an "us vs. them" than as an encapsulating term that acknowledges white privilege. It's basically a way of saying "people who haven't had the luxury of being pasty white in America." Because while the experience is certainly different for all those races, it's undeniable that being white is the

I think that casting Domenick Lombardozzi as Bill Fisk may have been either perfect or perfectly wrong. It's perfect if they want to portray him as a bumbling asshole (no one who has watched the Wire could possibly see him as anything but an incompetent but slightly lovable jerkwad), but obviously wrong if they want

They're actually coming to my town, and that fact makes me very sad.

Oh yeah, there are plenty of great examples. Gong Yoo just happens to be my personal favorite, for a number of reasons. Park "Mickey" Yoochun is also a good one, although he's one I have a harder time understanding the "sexy" appeal he apparently has.

You must be pretty committed to playing up your "Malfunctioning" gimmick, 'cause damn, how the hell could anyone not love that woman?!