
See, I have the absolute opposite opinion of subs vs dubs. If a dub is flawless, then it's fine, but I'd take even mediocre subs over 90% of the dubs that are out there. Bad dubs just make me hurt.

If Americans didn't have such an aversion to reading (and therefore to subtitles), this whole "Asian men can't be sexy leading men" thing could be easily remedied. I'm a straight man, but I'll be damned if Gong Yoo (the leading man from "Coffee Prince" and "Big") doesn't have me constantly questioning my own

Well, Shinhwa's still going strong. Their most recent single, "Sniper" is pretty great. And if it makes you feel any better, I don't really care for 2NE1. They're just too damn American. Plus, CL pals around with Bieber, so fuck her.

Strangely, I only got into kpop since age 33. And that was a pretty far cry from my usual tastes, too. So take that! My anecdotal outlier completely disproves this thing that is merely describing a trend!

"Off you go, apparently" has been my text signature for the past several months. Yes, I know, I'm a crusty, un-hip weirdo who still uses a text signature. But if you could quote Professor Hubert Farnsworth every time you send a text, wouldn't you do the same?

Someone may have pointed this out already, but shouldn't that be "Patchcord Adams" not "Patchcorn"?

Yeah, just looked it up. Basically looks like an ebullism is a very specific type of embolism (all ebullisms are embolisms, but not all embolisms are ebullisms). Learn something new every day.

Embolism, you mean?

The cliche part is probably my biggest beef. The dishonesty is annoying, but the fact that Buzzworthy headlines are so asininely formulaic is infuriating.

Actually, my big problem with those kinds of headlines with the "In under X minutes" crap is that it's Buzzworthy bullshit shorthand for "this video or article is really not worth your time, but hey, at least it's short!" In essence, "In Under X Minutes" is the headline equivalent of saying, "this snack is nothing

You are saying that anyone who isn't against NSA wiretapping would also be in favor of police brutality. While, yes, certainly there are some jackholes who are in favor of both (at least as long as they're being applied to "colored" people), it's disingenuous at worst or simply foolish at best to claim that someone

The slippery slope fallacy here applies not to the assertion that NSA wiretaps will lead to unchecked police brutality (unchecked police brutality actually existed hundreds, if not thousands, of years before NSA wiretaps, fyi), but rather that the acceptance of one must lead to acceptance of the other.

You do realize that "slippery slope" is a logical fallacy, right? And that's exactly the argument you're using here?

I'm sorry, but I disagree with the inclusion of Curious George. That goddamn monkey is absolutely insufferable. He is just begging for a punting.

But Instagram let's you put blurry filters on them so they look like they were taken in the early 80s!

But by that logic, couldn't you say that 95% of all albums ever produced are concept albums?

So we're grading courts on a bell curve now?!

That's Carter, not Thomas!

More specifically, he happens to be one of the most blatantly right-wing Supreme Court Justices of all time. (Replying to ArgieBargie because I'm expanding on his comment, but the info is for Doublejeans's benefit, as I am sure ArgieBargie is already aware of the political bias of Clarence Thomas.)

"Dark Entries" is one of my favorite songs of all time. Of all time!