
I agree with Joey.blowey there. I love both versions, but there's something about the Bauhaus cover that just seems to surpass the original.

One of my favorite stories about Sabbath is that scaring the shit out of you is entirely the point of that song. See, while many people assume Sabbath were endorsing Satanism/occultism, they were actually doing nothing of the kind. "Black Sabbath" was written as a warning account based on a "supernatural encounter"

This sounds suspiciously like the old joke that "gullible" isn't in the dictionary, only 10000 times worse, because the end result is the victim visiting Urban Dictionary.

As someone who has been in that position, at least it's better than inside the house. Easier cleanup. *edit* Just as with others, including your experience, the only thing that ultimately stopped me was knowing I'd be putting my younger brother and three younger sisters in therapy for the rest of their lives. But

"It's satire!" Because, as everyone knows, the best satire makes fun of people who have faced attempted genocide and systemic marginalization. That shit makes for some great giggles!

See, I find her to be one of those people who alternate rapidly between extremely beautiful and strangely off-putting. And I know a lot of people who see the same thing. It's odd. It's like she's a real person living in the uncanny valley or something.

"Less talented but with slightly more conventionally attractive facial structure."

Ehhhh… I dunno. I firmly believe that OK Computer is one of the 10 greatest albums ever recorded, but I also have to acknowledge that it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea. Hell, "Climbing Up the Walls" sends shivers up and down my spine and brings tears of joy to my eyes every time I listen to it, but I have

While it's not specifically "wereWOLF" related, one of the earliest accounts of lycanthropy was in the bible account of Nebuchadnezzar becoming a werebull. And most scholars speculate that legends of such lycanthropy, including that of Nebuchadnezzar, originated with people experiencing some sort of psychosis.

The representative of Clownworld formally expresses his disapproval of the above comment.

(Even though I know you're joking…) I can't see Sanderson being a good fit for ASoIaF. He's a great writer and all, and he's proved he's adept at untying plot knots left by other authors, but I suspect his Mormon sensibilities—even as progressive as his are compared to most who share his faith—would not fit well in

I was sold at "genocidal CGI rabbit," but then I backed up a couple words and the sale was lost at "Kevin Hart."

Does it to me periodically. Doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason for when it works and when it doesn't. *edit* Have also had the problem @Col.Alphonse Dore Cliburn CBE is talking about. Again, no real pattern about when it happens and when it doesn't.

Weird. Maybe someone accidentally flagged you when they were flagging all of He Who Shall Not Be Mentioned's spam?

Honestly, though, regardless of what you think of her views or how she presents them, she certainly qualifies as "influential." If nothing else, she can be partly credited with the creation of a huge group of misogynist assholes whose sole purpose seems to be railing against her…I mean ethics in gaming journalism.

God yes, nothing turns me on more than pathetic, obnoxious, apparently morbidly obese internet trolls.

He really does such a great job of making us all feel sorry for him. No, wait, sorry. The other thing.

You may be right about the silicone part, but it was definitely the scrota or testes they were injecting.

Oh, geez… I thought that was just something Warren Ellis made up in "Crooked Little Vein." I had no idea it was a real thing people did :(

That was one of the more interesting autobiographies I've ever read. Still have "Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way" in my "to read" pile.