
Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least they didn't write "Baby."

You have no right to tell women what they can't do!

Of course. Because obviously she'll be trying to run while wearing impractically high heels. *edit* Dammit, Arran beat me to the punch. *edit2* …And mratfink and Rob Payne.

There was a Grover skit sometime in the early 2000s (so I was already an adult), and he was trying to take a bath or shower or something, but the water wasn't working. So he gives the faucet/shower-head a disappointed look and says, "And you call yourself a bathtub?!" I was laughing for hours. Strangely, I can't

@TheKappa:disqus @avclub-7f0d5ceefd00ad8303401bdcf213eb83:disqus Can we even count Red? It's been forever since I read that comic, but it seemed to me the only thing the movie had in common with the comic was the title and the most basic premise of "aging secret agent forced out of retirement."

Why is this hack so inexplicably popular?! He's seriously awful.

"…taking things that already exist and making them scary." Yeah, it was pretty scary how the dude was able to make Pride and Prejudice even less enjoyable to read than the original.

And yet one of my local radio stations (unfortunately my favorite one, by dint of it being the only non-corporate station in town) insists on playing this song at least twice a day.

Oh, I agree. But I never expect those types to read any deeper than the surface.

Actually, you do realize Harrison Bergeron could function as a rallying cry for these assholes without any changes. And I hate to say that, 'cause I absolutely love that story.

Actually, I have to note that there are *some* moderate MRAs and GamerGaters. There are some who identify as MRAs who are legitimately concerned with issues such as custody/child support and the dismissal of men who claim to have been raped; and there are some GamerGaters who do legitimately think that it's actually

Fair point.

The joke wasn't the way he looks, the joke was the kind of personality who feels that those kinds of self-mutilation are desirable. Those people have a disease, and we as a society need to stop pussyfooting around it and get them the psychological help they so clearly need.

Not everyone with a Confederate flag on his truck is a racist asshole, either. Doesn't reduce its value as a convenient social litmus.

I honestly might have. But "social justice warrior"/"SJW" (and variants thereof) is right up there with "feminazi," "sheeple," etc. in the realm of "phrases that let you know you can immediately disregard anything else this person says."

No, more the "South" in general (and I mean "South" in more the sense of the ideological/idealized "South," rather than strictly the geographic area, hence my quotes there.)

Yeah… any chance of me giving those Sad Puppies dudes the benefit of the doubt evaporated the second he used the phrase "social justice witch hunt."

I've always felt that Skynyrd were a band unfairly maligned on the basis of the awfulness of their home and their fans.

Actually, as a circumcised grower here, I can attest to the fact that even a circumcised penis can look uncircumcised when it's in turtle mode.

Can't say for certain, but I do know I'm taking everything I hear today with more than my usual dose of healthy skepticism. Especially if it's something that already sounds ridiculous.