
We do know what day today is, right?

Shit, man, now I feel like I just kicked a puppy :(

There we have it people! Search for Schlock is officially the worst kind of human being!

Interestingly (if you're a huge, huge nerd like me, anyway), the Star Trek MMO finishes Alexander's arc with him having grown up to be a subversive pacifist in the once again bellicose Klingon Empire. Plus, if I recall correctly, he gets killed for it, too.

Everyone always forgets he was also in "Stand By Me"! Also, most of my appreciation for him comes from Tabletop, which is possibly my favorite webseries.

Ahhh, so it does. Good catch!

…except that jewish…ness, is determined matrilineally, so since his mother is Jewish, he is just Jewish, not half-Jewish.

Yeah, but they're covered under the "'Hipster' is also suitable as shorthand for any kind of douchebag" Act of 2010.

I'd figure Dik would be more a spunk sort of rodent.

Shame on whoever wrote that headline. Even for a "Good Job, Internet" that's a headline that should not exist outside Upfeed/Buzzworthy.

That joke works on so many levels.


Pretty sure Damien *shudder* at the very least is half miscellaneous Asian. *edit* Or Semitic (by the full definition of Semitic that includes most Middle Easterners, not just Jews). Can't remember the Al'Ghul family's heritage, offhand.

Just wanted to tell you that I read that comment in Scruffy's voice and it made me smile.

Do Scientologists have some way to prevent penile necrotization (or would necrosis be the correct form of the word?)?

…that is quite possibly the worst visual ever triggered by a bad pun. Congratulations, sir!

Visually, I think it was pretty great, but it suffered from the voice over. That narration was pretty masturbatory, like a poem/lyrics from a 15 year old's notebook.

It had to do with his/her work classifying AV Club as a music site, and therefore blocking it.

Russel Brand #4 most influential thinker in the world and Big Mac clothing. Truly the end is nigh.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. To elaborate: we're clearly fucking doomed.