
Oh, yeah. In case I wasn't clear: since I realize that most people hate spoilers, I try not to spoil things for them. One of those things about being a human, you know? I may not understand why people are this way, but it's not like I'm going to shit on them for being different from me.

I dunno, I guess I can see that point. Maybe to me it's like the whole "circumcised orgasm vs. uncircumcised orgasm" debate: maybe I'm missing something, but the experience is still extremely satisfying to me (circumcised, in this analogy), so it's kind of hard to see what the big deal is.

Maybe. Those are pretty rare, in my opinion. Usually it's either/or (quality or surprise).

Ehhh, most of us have made our peace with it already. Either he won't finish it, or, considering the rapidly diminishing quality of the books, even if he does finish it, it won't be worth reading.

My view is that it was just as good, but where Segel's was more heartfelt and touching, Most Wanted was more straight-up funny. Equally great movies, but with different strengths.

I'm actually right on board with that, but I understand it's a minority position. Knowing how a story ends has never ruined a good story for me. The only time surprise is essential to the enjoyment of a story is if it's a poorly written story. *edit* Even certain upcoming plot points being spoiled doesn't usually

Yeah, that does sound like it would pinch.

Isn't he supposed to be old and fat by that point? And have multiple adult sons? Should be plenty of seasons left, if that's the case.

Really? I see a lot of hate toward him. About the only positive thing I've seen directed at him was that essay a year or two back about how Lily and Marshall were such a great couple on HIMYM (which they were; they were my favorite thing about that show).

I know this probably isn't a popular position to take, but I find Segel to be strangely charming. I really enjoyed what he did with the Muppet movie, and I can see him being a decent fit (heh) for a Lego movie as well.

I assumed that was brain damage caused by Chris Brown's many attempts to beat her head in.

Alternatively, the fact that Kif is sooooo far out of his depth might make him inclined to try anything, no matter how ridiculous it might otherwise seem (or how ridiculous the source of said advice). That's how I always read that scene, anyway.

I always saw Kif taking Zapp's dating advice as less a matter of trusting someone you know is an idiot and more a matter of Kif grasping at straws because he's so completely baffled.

Far be it from me to argue with the almighty O'Neal, but if you're going to list a Nick Cave live version that's miles ahead of the studio version, it should have been "New Morning" off the same "Live Seeds" album as the "From Her to Eternity" version mentioned above. Studio "New Morning" sounds like the caterwauling

Unfortunately, every great (to varying definitions of "great") band spawns scores of lame-ass imitators. Hell, Limp Bizkit claimed Tool as one of their inspirations.

Possible. The hashbrowns need to be nice and crispy for it to really work. Errr… I guess that would be "crunchy" actually.

Relatively certain I first heard this theory several years ago in a Cracked article.

I have to admit to loving the AM Crunchwrap. Hashbrowns, eggs, cheese, and sausage (or bacon) in a tortilla? They could literally add shit to that and it would still be good.

This may be the most perfect thing ever, considering the character of Clay Davis. Even better would be for there to be a $30,000 contribution level where he looks you in the eye and flat out denies that he ever took any money from you.

I applaud Taco Bell's ability to take a bunch of elements that are all appealing on their own and put them together to make something revolting. Am I referring to their commercial or their food? Does it matter?