
The problem is, the people who would likely appreciate the Legion's mentality are also the same people who'd be put off by their largely inferior technology.

Oh, I agree. I was referring to a lot of the pre-release hype/disinfo that made claims like that. Granted, a lot of that was fairly early stuff where they even seemed to show Super Mutants in Legion armor, but still… it was very disillusioning when I got to *edit* Nipton */edit* for the first time and realized that,

I always suspected that horrible people had more sex.

That was probably my biggest complaint. It was billed as being a tough decision, hinting that the Legion wasn't as bad as they seemed or that NCR was much worse than they seemed, but it was still far too little. Like, yeah, even if I assume the absolute worst about the NCR and the absolute best about the Legion, the

One of my favorite Fallout memories (which I repeat every time I replay 2) is massacring the slaver compound in the Den(?) where Vic is being held. It's usually one of those fights that requires multiple saves/reloads since at that point in the game my level is pretty low and my gear is terrible, but it's so totally

Yeah, the Pitt was awful. I hated that ending so bad, and never replayed it either. I still suspect that the devs were influenced by Bioshock when they made that addon.

Yeah, I always have a *really* hard time playing evil. I can do it to a limited degree in TES games, but even then mostly just because "good" and "evil" are far less clearly defined, and it's more a matter of "lawful" or "criminal," which isn't nearly as hard for me. In the Fallout games (my favorite game series of

It always bugged me a bit that I couldn't find a way to prevent the massacre, but considering that I despised every human resident of TPT aside from the old adventurer dude, I never killed the ghouls for wiping them out. I did, however, spend dozens of hours trying to figure out a way to keep it from happening. For

If it's a choice, why are they so goddamn annoying?! Amirite?!

I haven't seen Rand's comments, but having actually read what Christie had to say, I have to defend his comments. Basically Christie's position was that the major vaccines should still be mandatory, but things like the flu and HPV should not be. While I'd tend to say HPV should be mandatory, I can't really fault his

So the migrant workers who do most of the actual work for next to no pay don't count as farmers?

See, I think that may be where the disagreement is arising. You apparently don't understand the sheer scale of corporations like Netflix. $2 billion is not even close to "bet[ting] their entire future." Most of us see that as a reasonable investment for them, considering their size, the current interest rates, and

Really, you could extend that to Mat's entire story excluding the period where he was possessed by that evil dagger.

It gets a lot better, and then a bit worse, and then a bit better.
Basically, after the 2nd or 3rd book, it gets pretty damn good, then after a few more books it really starts to meander, and then once Sanderson takes over it gets pretty good again, albeit while still dealing with the aftermath of all the

This is news? What, are you next going to tell me that Half-Life 3 isn't coming anytime soon?

Is he actually cool? All I know about him is that he's most famous for some party song, and since I hate party songs I had prejudged him to be ignorable.

Damn, if only Chevelle wasn't on the boat, I'd be actively rooting for icebergs.

Oh, ok, derp! I guess I was confused since I could only login as a guest, and assumed guest accounts would get PM access. Ooops!

Hey, DRC, I can't figure out how to send a PM (maybe because my profile is one of the weird AVC-specific Disqus accounts?), but I've been told you're the one I need to talk to to have you approve my Tolerability Index login? Should be under Jamboxdotcom.

I think most of us are pretty clear on where you stand. You always strike me as a pretty decent dude, anyway, even if we don't always agree 100%.