
If it's background music, how/why are they taking the time to "like" these shitty songs? So your low threshold theory doesn't hold much water. *edit* Ok, maybe "taking the time" isn't right, 'cause obviously it takes no time to do that. How about "spare the attention," instead? Even on Pandora stations I like, I

Isn't it?

Oh, man. Is there anything more delightful than fans of mainstream nu-metal (or whateverthehell shit like A7X is classified as) calling out other music for being mainstream? Reminds me of my high school days pissing off the Marilyn Manson fans who thought he was super underground or something. Absolutely delightful!

The AV Club
Come to think of it, if I were to quote all my favorite lines from Futurama, it would end up just being a transcript of the entire series.

I've probably said this before, but I love your Futurama reviews as much as, if not more than, the "official" AV Club reviews. Wish I was able to read all of them, but at least they're great when I catch them. Keep doing what you do!

And just like in middle school, the best part of this is watching two people I fucking despise fight. No matter who loses, I win!

Yeah, saw TaumpyTearrs's comment right before yours, and that explains it perfectly, as does yours. *edit* Although, come to think of it, there's one of his songs that always sounded like a White Zombie song at the beginning (to me, anyway), and that always pissed me off for the same reason, so I'd still question if

Worse than the rest of Kid Rock's catalog? That's a tall order!

Is one really a comedian if one is only unintentionally funny? (*edit* However, I agree on the gist of your comment.)

@Lack of Name already said it best, but just to reinforce/rephrase: the fact that there is an exception proves that there is generally a rule in the first place. I.e. if there was no general rule, there would be no need for an exception.

NKoTB still had fans after the internet was a thing?

Spike Lee caused a shitstorm on top of the existing shitstorm created by George Zimmerman's acquittal when he tweeted the home address of the wrong George Zimmerman. This has become the meme of x celebrity angrily tweeting the home address usually of someone named similarly to (but completely distinct from) y

At least the casting looks solid, which is an improvement over most of their movies.

"Still cares"? Does anyone care about it now?

Your comment intrigued me (the part about him being a former cult member), so I did some searching. All I found is reference to him being raised as a Catholic. Mind elaborating? As I said, I'm curious, and my google fu was too weak to sate my curiosity.

"Battleworld"?! And here I'd been warming to Marvel, lately, what with their decent writing, interesting characters, and reader-friendly policies (as opposed to their old fucking retarded "collector-friendly policies of no-reprints, etc.).

I'd guess it'd be their equivalent of having a rare substance, like water, splashed on them.

It could be cynically clever if they also end the series 3-4 seasons earlier this time.

It's weird that they're so afraid of losing something they adamantly refuse to admit exists. It's like a staunch atheist regularly and unironically attending church.

The worst part is that he got part of that rant right (the part about there being no Antichrist as a person/figure; antichrist is mentioned, but the context and wording makes it pretty clear it's not referring to any specific person or entity, but rather an idea or state of being unlike Christ). Then he goes on to