
You know, despite liking some of his music, I've long thought Mr. Warner was quite an asshole. I'm glad to see that this interview doesn't force me to reevaluate my beliefs even a little bit.

Man, no wonder I couldn't figure out who was playing Brian J. Macy: I seriously couldn't recognize Pornstache without his pornstache.

I meant DIFFERENT terrible acting and turning technology into deus ex machina magical whosits! Seriously, though, aside from "reversing the polarity," every piece of technology had certain limitations. Transporters couldn't transport you across the galaxy. Phasers couldn't be used at warp speed, that's why photon

I liked things *about* Into Darkness (read: Cumberbatch as Khan, and that's it). But the dismissal of all conventions of the Star Trek universe, essentially turning technology into deus ex machina magical whosits, and the terrible acting by everyone not Cumberbatch all kind of pissed me off. Which means that it was

It is too good. And you know what that means.

I absolutely agree with that. The outfit itself wasn't anything too disgusting or demeaning, but the chain and what it represented absolutely made it so. I hate that fact, too, because as a lifelong geek, that outfit is still the epitome of sexy to me :(

Slightly less creepy than Lemon Incest?

Pshhh, you have just committed a grave faux pas in upvoting your own comment. I sure hope someone gets fired for that blunder!

I'm guessing it's "ironic" in the sense that by "excellent argument starter" they probably intended it to start arguments with people who think Che is a swell guy. So in this case, since it started arguments with people who rightly considered him an asshole, there was some level of irony involved. Arguably, the

Oh good, so now he's not just insufferable, he's invulnerable as well?

I'd be a terrible gay man. I'm really not attractive enough for it, especially since the men I could just about see me going gay for would be even further out of my league than my ideal woman would be.

The first time I heard the title of the first movie I honestly assumed it was a sequel to 28 Days. It was quite embarrassing, because I was talking to the super cute girl I've had a crush on for years who works at my local purveyor of comic books. She was/is big into zombie movies and action movies in general, and

I hope it stays unmade. I rather like being a straight man, but that movie would probably put an end to my heterosexuality.

As interesting as I found the idea of this show initially, and as godawful as it proved to be in rather short order, I just can't get even remotely excited about this.

The Coral Hour, with your host Coral!

Granted, I don't have cable, and don't torrent, so I never know what the current lineup of Adult Swim shows is, but at least from the past few years Childrens Hospital and Delocated were pretty good. And I've heard that the CSIDVDBBQ:SUV or whatever is pretty good as well.

I should really resist the temptation to be rude, but damn I always hated this band and I'll not mourn their passing.

…internet filters actually do something?!

Yeah, I'm normally very opposed to piracy, but I hope people pirate the shit out of this movie.

Sounds just like Warhammer 40k!