
Wait, there's a Lying Cat gimmick account? Why have I not seen this glory?!

Apple cider? I barely know 'er!

I haven't read Firefight yet (just finished Mitosis), but it's next on my stack. However, I have to say that B+ sounds about right for most of Sanderson's work. He's a decent but far from perfect author, whose cachet is greatly increased due to how prolific and entertaining he is.

I suppose that was a poor choice of comparison, since Kevin Smith did comic book work, too. I was actually referring to Kevin Smith's movie work. I agree that Kevin Smith's comics were nothing to get excited about.

Bendis reminds me a lot of Kevin Smith. His early work was groundbreaking. Then he just got stale really fast.

She's like if Piers Morgan and Rush Limbaugh had a baby and it happened to be a woman.

I think Nancy Grace may be the one woman for whom the use of the terms "shrill" and "harridan" would not be considered sexist, as they are simply precise terms for describing her.

The Oscars and the Academy voters are often compared to royalty/nobility, but honestly, it's such a close comparison that it's hardly even a metaphor anymore. Just like European nobles, the Academy voters hold power and prestige that is absolutely unearned and unjustifiable.

Never before has context made the word "tearjerker" sound so intensely disgusting.

Yes. The thing about Moe is that he really is a layered, nuanced character beneath his contemptible surface (and depths). And unlike other contemptible sitcom characters like Ted Mosby from HIMYM, the fact that he's presented as contemptible instead of supposedly wonderful makes his hidden points of decency stand

By a debatable definition of "Christian."

This is the second time today that someone has referenced a Rusty Venture on the AV Club, and both times they implied it was a sex position/act that required more than one person, which is incorrect.

I used "business opportunity" as a catch-all there, because it's hard to use just one word or phrase to adequately describe what Kickstarter offers. But essentially, the reason I will always defend things like this is that Kickstarter boils the free market down to its essence. If enough people see enough value in a

But it was a really, really good gumball!

Yes, because everyone looking to launch another business opportunity should of course finance it out of his own personal wealth. Also, fuck people who want to give money to fund something they enjoy. Who the fuck do they think they are, corporations? Banks?

See, there's your problem: you've only seen several. I'll admit, it's a painfully slow start, but once it gets rolling, it's a great show. By the end I was sad that it was over (and now I'm glad that there are rumors it will be getting another season).

The A.V. Club

This would make sense to me 15-20 years ago, back when Nick Cave's music was something skaters listened to. Maybe his older stuff is still popular among some skaters? I certainly can't see his more recent stuff being so.

In my defense (or evidence against me), I don't actually know the details of Paul Ryan's budget, but knowing his politics I have to assume it's your standard "fuck the poor and let them die in the cold while we continue giving trillions of dollars to defense contractors" budget.

Wait, which is it? "Really solid", or merely "better than Paul Ryan's"?