
So…completely metaphorically, by putting no part of his or her body anywhere near your mouth?

He was a fine young cannibal.

Well, that's why eating Brownies automatically means jail time. They're too young to give consent.

I think that depends on which definition of "eat" you're using.

Yeah, for that price it better include a (innuendo intended) Hobbit hole.

I've always wanted a Hobbit Hole (house, that is, lest I leave too much room for innuendo), but not enough to move to Wisconsin for one.

Well, there actually is plenty of evidence to support the theory that Fred Phelps didn't believe a single damned thing he preached, and it was simply a lawsuit revenue generator for him. Not sure whether that makes him more or less evil, though.

So… all of the Brosnan Bonds excluding Goldeneye?

This is still a stretch, but have you ever heard of Caiaphas Cain from the WH40k universe? If so, you know who Flashman is. Cain is pretty much a direct expy of Flashman, which is to say a cowardly, vaguely (or not so vaguely) reprehensible military officer who happens to blunder his way into extreme glory.

Except that the Asgardians in Marvel aren't "characters from Nordic mythology," they're cosmic powered space aliens who happened to inspire Nordic mythology.

Yes, we know, stripping can be a lucrative career. But it's weird you refer to it as "on the laptop." I mean, does she do lap dances exclusively, no pole work?

Wow… my first thought on seeing that picture was "when did Steve Holmes start doing non-porn acting?"

If you're being snarky, you must not know me very well. I've very much a feminist, and I'm usually among the first to pounce on MRAs and Gamergaters and other pieces of misogynist shit.

If you're being snarky, you must not know me very well. I've very much a feminist, and I'm usually among the first to pounce on MRAs and Gamergaters and other pieces of misogynist shit.

It is a free speech issue, it's just not a First Amendment free speech issue. Terrorists/North Korea/assholes threatened them to stifle this. Absolutely a free speech issue, absolutely not a First Amendment issue.

Yeah, I think that's the problem. No matter how stupid some arguments get around here, it's still generally far more intelligent than your average Facebook feed. And I can see what you're saying, and admit that it's *possible* that myself and the others who upvoted Heresybythought's comment were the ones misreading

You must frequent more intelligent corners of the interweb, because apparently you haven't seen the problem Heresybythought was referring to, which was conflating what is most certainly a censorship issue with a First Amendment issue, which is a specific kind of censorship issue entirely unrelated to the issue at

Wait, are you seriously suggesting that Gitmo is unconstitutional?! What are you, some kind of freedom hater?

(I'm sure this has been done numerous times already in this discussion, if not this exact thread but…)

Wait, do people who aren't currently high on pot actually enjoy Pineapple Express?