
Where's Anonymous when we need them?!

I can't stand her lips. I don't know whether they're real or not, but they *look* fake, and that bugs the shit out of me.

Finally watched that a couple weeks ago (20,000 Days on Earth, that is). I'm a…lapsed Nick Cave fan; haven't really cared as much about his more recent work, Bad Seeds or Grinderman, probably partially due to Blixa and Mick's departure (Blixa being my all-time favorite musician), but watching that movie made me

I'm not sure whether you meant that sarcastically or honestly (I'd guess sarcastically), but really, coming from a machine of a man whose very job involves making the impossible happen, I'd say that actually is pretty fucking high praise.

I think the doubt comes from speculation not over whether he can do it and make it good, but whether network television will *let* him do it and make it good. Or rather, I'm sure he can adapt to still be *good*, but will network television allow him to be *great*?

And can we make all of the characters look more exactly like each other?

Wait, wait… they're making an Adam Sandler movie about Fry's segment from Tales of Interest from Futurama season 4?

Whoa! I hadn't even looked at it as a false flag from *that* end. I was talking about the assumption it was an American-orchestrated false flag, which is what I was calling ridiculous, for the above-stated reasons. You, sir, could be a conspiracy-theory savant!

I'm liberal and firmly in the "he's a secret Atheist" camp. It frustrates the hell out of me when people claim he's a secret Muslim. Far more proof he's an atheist than that he's Muslim. Of course, being liberal, to me being a secret Atheist isn't a bad thing, so maybe that's why I'm so wrong.

Yeah, but even conspiracy nuts have to have at least one solid, plausible-sounding reason for the supposed theory. What would America (or any other country, for that matter) have to gain from invading North Korea? Removing a minor irritant isn't a good enough reason for anyone.

Well, if you could try to kill someone on your way out, it would really help me out.

No, you only get to pick one! What kind of cop-out answer is "all of them"?!

I'd heard that, but always assumed it was a myth. It just seems far too pat.

As much as I want to make fun of this, I can't help but look at that sword and be totally jealous.

I always wondered the same thing, and yes, I know you're just making a joke here, but I eventually came to the conclusion that the "Final" in the name was a reference to the fact that every installment of Final Fantasy involves some sort of world-ending calamity (to greater or lesser degrees of "world-ending").

Hey, everyone, he upvoted his own comment, which is a pretty dead giveaway that he's just trolling.

Yeah, I didn't mean to imply that it *was* a fake name made up by Americans, just that it totally sounded like one.

This sets an absolutely terrible precedent.

Nah, it just sounded like a pathetic attempt by Americans to invent the most British (or Irish? (I would think British, but I believe the series has something to do with Ireland, so I dunno)) sounding name possible. You know, like Benedict Cumberbatch.