
…wait, Tom Hardy is in Peaky Blinders?! Damn, I had be resisting that show due to its incredibly dumb name, but I might just have to watch it now :(

Wait… was he saying the BDSM staff/patrons were laughing? I read it as he was laughing. If it's the other way around, it slightly changes the tone.

Not *that* much salt, you fool!

You may be right. Like I said, my reading of the situation is invariably going to be colored by my perception of the person in question.

I actually found that comment to be his most offensive (caveat: I know next to nothing about sex dungeons, so I may be reading this wrong), as it seemed like he felt he was owed "a show," which I would not assume to be the case. I dunno… honestly, the fucker stars in 50 Shades of Grey, so I'm gonna hate anything he

No, but there was a definite condescending tone the way he was talking there, which, coming from someone who is shitty enough to be in the 50 Shades movie is pretty hypocritical. "Oh, watching people do consensual bondage stuff is gross, but there's nothing wrong with me starring in a movie which glorifies the rape

Because China has shown such high regard for human life. You're right, though, obviously they'd care. Any even remotely rational person or country in the world with even the slightest sense of self-preservation is going to care if someone starts slinging nukes around willy-nilly. Do I really need to spell out that

No, it wasn't a joke, it was a statement regarding China's attitude toward North Korea, and on top of that, I already touched on the refugee issue.

Aside from all the other comments pointing out that it's a joke, I also feel the need to point out that China probably wouldn't give two shits if someone nuked North Korea, as long as they could do it without getting fallout on China. China only supports North Korea for the sake of not having millions of refugees

I'm still waiting for a movie adaptation of Neil Gaiman's Baywatch/Beowulf mash-up "Baywolf." (Calling it a Baywatch/Beowulf mash-up is a gross, perhaps egregious, oversimplification and it really could be a very entertaining movie…)

Obviously I spend too much time on TVTropes when my mind instantly takes that title and starts wondering what they're lampshading.

My first thought on this was that, while the Clash are widely accepted as punk, and were undoubtedly important to punk music, they were never the most representative of punk, both in aesthetics and level of talent (the bands that seem to most perfectly represent early punk were typically comprised of people marginally

So what you're saying is that any future "Sophie's choice" you might have to make will be much easier?

I'd guess it's because expectations were ever so slightly higher. I mean, MacFarlane is a hack, but he's a much better hack than Kirk Cameron or the Atlas Shrugged peole.

Deleted my comment, because I realized it's likely to spark exactly the kind of screaming debate you're dreading.

"ADWD. I got really pissed that the book didn't advance…story any further." Joking aside, how the hell did GRRM manage to write a whole book of nothing but red herrings and false starts?

Oh yeah, those were all my favorite parts of the aforementioned books, and I'm not saying they're completely awful books. Just, in general, they fall short of the first three.

Like a doorstop? (Kidding, of course.)

Oh, that's right. Thanks for clearing that up. AFfC is the only book I haven't read more than twice… well along with ADwD, and they're the two worst books, so I remember them less good…er.

Is it my imagination, or haven't Sansa and Littlefinger *already* killed Robin in the books?