
See, the only reason I can't support Manning is that the information he leaked put many lives at risk, and in fact, is almost guaranteed to have cost some American lives (and probably allied lives, as well). So while he revealed some evil shit, he did a great wrong himself in doing so.

This is apropos of nothing, but holy crap, the girl in the picture there is the spitting image of my ex-girlfriend (minus the weird glasses, anyway).

That, and the fact that the only reason this is happening, the only reason he's asking, and likely the only reason his desire will likely come to fruition is that he's a rich, famous white man. It's less about what a jackass he is, and more a perfect example of privilege at play.
There's also the fact that he already

Oh, well that makes it all ok, then! What are we waiting for, clear that record! It's not like he's gonna get any whiter or more famous.

The Middle?! Really?! Someone considers that dry piece of stale toast to be funny? I suppose it's not completely unfunny, but it's always seemed to me to be so utterly formulaic and unadventurous that I've never been able to see the appeal, even though most of my close friends love it.

He spied FOR the American People, about the Government's spying ON the American People. I agree that his decision to flee to Putin was shitty, but even then it's understandable (because who else could/would protect him? He was dead if he stayed here). And if you can back the current Supreme Court and have no

Oh god… now I'm picturing Darth Winn. That would be the most despicable villain ever created. I think she could give Joffrey a run for the money in the "most vile character ever" category.

So it's true! This is all a conspiracy to bridge the Trek and Wars universes once and for all!

Despite the Supreme Court's bullshit rationalizing, both the Bush and Obama administrations violated the 4th(?) Amendment against unreasonable search and seizure. The Supreme Court ruled no laws were broken, but this is also the same fucking SC who ruled that Corporations are people. So we can take their decisions

Wasn't that just a rumor started to smear him? I assumed those stories were just the Right's attempt to discredit and/or mock him. Not that I personally consider transsexuality to be something to mock someone for, it just seemed that the tone of those articles/rumors was always "see, the little sissy traitor wants

So you're one of those people who thinks he's a traitor for revealing the treasonous actions of the government against the American People? I agree that what Bradley Manning did was treason, as he exposed information about a war-zone (despicable though what he revealed may be), but Snowden revealed crimes committed

Yeah, but I'm fairly sure that'd only be the case over in the UK. On the other hand, weren't Saville's crimes pedophilia…adjacent, at the very least? Because sex-crimes involving minors are also prosecuted far more aggressively here in the States than "regular" rape.

She is one ridiculously pretty woman, that's for sure. Though, strangely, considering she has more than her fair share of nude scenes, she's one pretty woman I've always felt looks far more attractive clothed than unclothed.

Yeah… you're sadly mistaken, there. His legacy is tarnished, and he'll always be persona non grata to the right kind of people, but it's far from ruined.

Is it really that he's esteemed in the Black community, or more that he's so highly esteemed by the White community? I'd think the second option is the more problematic: he's always been a 'safe' black man even to racist assholes, and now he's being tarnished.

Except that he's not, which for some reason I figured is where you were going with your comment. Like "what do you call the sinking feeling of seeing someone getting away with a horrible crime."

Pretty sure necrophilia is more aggressively prosecuted. And now I've made myself depressed.

Pretty sure I created this account post-disqus. Wish I could figure out the problem… I am using Chrome, btw, if that makes any difference (I wouldn't think it would, here, but you never know…some sites have weird formatting that only works on IE).

Yeah, I was in an argument a couple days ago with some sadly articulate neckbeard who was saying it's wrong to mock Cosby, and that rape culture isn't a thing, and that all Cosby's accusers are delusional. It was sooooo hard to stop arguing with him, especially when he threw in a "yes, it's in your best interest to

Thanks all for your help. However… hovering over my profile shows no "edit profile" option. The best it gives me is the "Full profile" button, and if I go there, down at the bottom of that page there's a "Go to Disqus" button (or something to that effect). However, when I go there, it doesn't accept my login. Is