
Hey, I think I may have been part of the conversation that gave you the idea for that gimmick account! That makes me kinda like your daddy. Or creepy uncle, or something!

People complain about AVC commentariat? Are they people who have never been on another internet site? Or are you referring to some of the old-timers who think it's too tame now?

Speaking of which… can anyone point me in the direction I need to look to set an avatar? I've pored all through the Disqus settings, and can't seem to find anything.

I would assume it was out of his control, considering that it was made very public that Lucas was relinquishing all rights to future creative control of Star Wars when he sold it to Disney.

It's not a "no true scotsman," it's a "if you are defending Cosby, or any other accused rapist by saying there's no proof, ergo calling all their accusers liars by default, you are a defender of rape culture by definition." I'm done arguing with you. You may think you're enlightened and zen and shit, but you're

Cosby's human rights are not in question here. He has not been convicted of any crime, nor will he be. However, the preponderance of accusations is sufficient for any human being who isn't a defender of rape culture to condemn him in the court of public opinion. "Human rights" are no shield from derision, and

Omg, so fucking profound. No. The fact is, our "being mean" to asswipes like Cosby is in fact far less than they deserve, and moreover, it's almost certain to be all the repercussion they will face for their shittiness. So AFP and Hamlet can both take their high road and shove it up their asses.

Have someone else hold it for you? They can have the cake while you eat it.

I thought Sam was Sean's weekend alter ego. Or understudy, or something.

Comedy is a coping mechanism. That's its primary function. And making a powerful man a laughingstock for his awful actions not only lets us cope, but it's almost guaranteed to be the only repercussions he faces for his awful actions. So fuck you for suggesting it's wrong for us to laugh at him.

Yes. It sounds like the point you're trying to make is the same mentality as Amanda Palmer's fucking bullshit "ohhhhh, let's never be mean to anyone, even if they totallly deserve it."

Really? You think the series holds up well? I was just about to post the exact opposite. I loved this series, but I feel it doesn't hold up at all. I mean, I still love Cassidy, but on the other hand he's a vampire and by definition passe. And everything else about the series just seems painfully puerile.

…or she's actually a straight woman.

I know. Totally sticking my fingers in my ears, closing my eyes, and going "nyah-nyah-nyah, I can't hear you!" Honestly, I saw a video once where they get hassled/busted by some cops, and it takes place backstage before/after one of their concerts, and they're totally drunk/high off their asses and groping the

I absolutely *have* to believe it, because if any part of me believes it wasn't satire, it ruins their entire catalog for me. That's how strongly I hated "Fight For Your Right" for nearly 20 years.

True story: "Fight For Your Right" was the reason I hated the Beastie Boys for decades. It wasn't until I learned the actual meaning behind that song that I gave in to my love for them.

The monorail sure put them on the map!

No, no, only whiskey is $100. Beer is -$100, so if you drink one beer for every whiskey, not only will you throw up, but you'll drink for free.

Oh, yeah, I guess that'd do it. I suppose for them it's really an "enemy of our enemy's enemy" situation.

I call it the BBC Phenomenon: people with British accents sound intelligent to a large subset of Americans (myself included), which makes us instinctively think they're better, even when all other evidence points to the contrary.