
But…a woman raped a man (allegedly)! How does that not fit their bullshit narrative that women are abusing men? Or is it the fact that they don't know if she was a feminist or just a normal woman (well… not "normal", clearly…)?

That makes sense, in a way. Still, you'd think they'd latch onto it considering that every single conversation about the rape of women has a mandatory 10 comments from MRAs pointing out that "men get raped, too; in fact, men get raped WAY more than women! derp derp derp!"

Yes. The whole nonresponsiveness thing is largely an overplayed myth. There are clearcut rules for what they can and cannot react to.

Good news, everyone! It's possible to acknowledge that The Beef may have been raped, and that that is terrible, while also acknowledging that he's still an enormous shitstain and deserving of our contempt. I.e. acknowledging that this is bad if it's true doesn't mean we're validating The Beef in any other way.

Hmmm, maybe we'll get lucky and MRAs will adopt The Beef as their spokesperson.

I agree with everything you said there, except that it's dumb looking. It only *looks* dumb if you think about how it really *is* dumb. If you don't think about it, it looks kinda cool, which is totally the point. Rule of cool, doesn't have to be practical.

Clearly you know nothing about Christians if you think they base their life decisions on the bible. Well… maybe certain portions of the Old Testament, which has nothing to do with Christianity.

Well, it is a "pseudo-science" in that there is no positive link between genetics and intelligence. I.e. a genius can easily parent imbeciles, and vice versa (not that either example in and of itself is proof, but the fact remains that there's no solid evidence of any given gene being an indicator of intelligence.)

Considering it's a black man who has always claimed that any problems black people have are solely their own fault, he actually does line up pretty well with Rush's ideology.

Did he say "cinephobic"? That'd certainly explain the shitty nature of his movies.

Nononono… they hate "unethical" journalism, which apparently means journalism which is biased contrary to their own biases.

But GamerGaters *hate* White Knights!

Honestly, though, consensual albeit statutory relationships with 17 year old boys are not the same as pedophilia or outright rape. Still not good, but not on nearly the same level of awfulness. Also, not trying to defend Clash specifically, because I detest Elmo; I just have a hard time going full pedohunter over

Ginger Baker.

Yup, they don't trust those godless intellectuals.

"Integrity not to ask…" Damn, sounds like the Cos has the same erroneous understanding of journalistic integrity that GamerGate has. What's up with misogynists and not understanding journalistic integrity?

Hmm, you may be right. I was fairly sure that was part of why Minecraft's resolution was so retro, but maybe I'm wrong. Alternatively, maybe that was part of the justification when Notch first started building it 10 years ago or whenever it was, and maybe technology has caught up so it's no longer an issue?

So, how many supercomputers do you need to run this? That's the point of Minecraft's low resolution, to allow people to play a game that huge.

I'd say this is definitely in "Snakes on a Plane" level of "could be awesome, could be the worst thing ever."

You're absolutely right there is no direct value to that short-sighted exec, but you bet your ass there is value to the number crunchers who tell the exec what sort of show he should be looking to greenlight. And it's not even a matter of year-to-year data, either. Just seeing what old shows are getting the most