
The one thing I could see being beneficial about this, provided they weren't using data only from the notoriously tasteless Nielsen families, is in gauging long-term trends. Thus, while it won't ever keep a show from being cancelled prematurely, it might lead to more shows like those that people are watching on

To be fair, he was the hero, because it was a lot more complicated than that. I suspect that he was the hero specifically because he would be more easily relatable to the target white audience—his whole character and arc were basically "see, blacks is people, too!" However, that doesn't change the fact that the

That's the problem, though. Uncle Tom, in the context of that anti-slavery book, was a black man who was happy to be a slave. That's why it's a modern slur. It's not at all like "Sambo", which is most likely to be used as a slur by bigots; "Uncle Tom" is more likely to be used as a slur by other African-Americans

Not sure whether you're saying that to support my comment, undermine my comment, or just as an aside. I'd take it to be a support of my comment, because her book is where Uncle Tom came from, and his depiction as a happy slave is where we get the derogatory term "Uncle Tom", but the double "Fun Fact!" adds a bit of a

"Uncle Tom" has a specific connotation for black men, and it's not at all about anyone not liking them (in fact, guess what? white people usually *love* Uncle Toms). It's about black men who are essentially race traitors; in this case, in the sense that he acts like white people have never persecuted black people,

On one hand, I loved Chriss Pratt as Starlord, but on the other hand… what could have been?

*polite applause* Very clever, sir.

I can only assume that the people who ask this kind of question have never actually known any rape victims very well. At best, maybe they are passing acquaintances. The thing is, if you take the time to understand these women (yes, technically they can be men, too, but that's not the conversation), you'll discover

You also have to consider that this is all filtered through umpteen years of hindsight. It's very possible that at the time, she *did* blame herself, or even question whether what happened did, indeed, happen. At this point in time, considering both the second assault and the many years of coming to grips with it,

Hey, as long as no woman is enjoying it, it's ok.

True… maybe I should have said you need to pick the option that sounds the second most suicidal.

Sad. Too bad he chose the option to sit at home drinking tea and working on his novel like a responsible person, instead of the option to jump out the window with a parasail. Everyone knows that to survive a Choose Your Own Adventure you need to pick the option that sounds the most suicidal. The responsible options

More to the point, Christianity is based on the idea that Jesus death nullified the Mosaic Law Covenant and established a new covenant. Ergo, everything not explicitly stated to still be in effect from the Mosaic Law was null and void, including their dietary restrictions. So not so much a loophole as a whole

Because Mon Mothma was a politician, not a military leader, unlike Madine.

Satire tag, such a bad idea. I mean, that's what Literally Unbelievable is for.

But how many of those are actual, factual films and not fever dreams we'll all mostly forget upon waking?

One of my favorite Sesame Street skits was actually less than 15 years ago. I was on vacation in Oregon in my early 20s, and caught some Street while getting ready to head out for the day. It was a skit with Grover trying to take a bath or a shower. The plumbing wasn't working properly, and he disgustedly mocks the

Man, I wish I was in J-Lo's butt before it was cool.

To all the people poo-pooing the small caliber of her pistol, there, let me add my anecdotal experience: over half of all the gun fatalities I've known in my life were from weapons no bigger than .22 (maybe 10 or so, ranging from accidents, suicides, and 1 murder, with 5-6 of those being the aforementioned small

So, Dexter in a dress?