
Yeah, I mostly only catch them if they're on TV in my physician's waiting room or on Daily Show clips. From what I've seen, they're completely reprehensible people.

While I hate to ever assert that her physical attributes are the only value a woman presents, in the case of Faux News personalities, I'm afraid it's probably accurate. They're at best totally brainless, and at worst utterly without compassion.

Oh wow. I had totally forgotten about this movie, and seeing the header picture brought it all back. Man, that was a sad movie. One of the best things about Sesame Street: they weren't afraid to make little kids feel things besides just "sugar high."

Nah, all it'd take is for someone to assert that vaccination is a "liberal agenda" and she'd be just the right flavor of crazy for them. You are correct about her having the right look, though.

As I said, though, considering this surroundings and circumstances, being dead doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot for him. I.e. yes, he's pretty clearly dead, but considering the numerous ways he could get around that (warging into Ghost, being resurrected by Mel, deus ex machina, etc.) it's likely to be nothing

(Statler and Waldorf. And yes, that would be an excellent novelty account.)

I'm glad it lists Jon Snow's mortal status. It's pretty freakin' clear what that is at the end of ADwD, yet so many people are in denial. They just can't seem to accept that considering his current surroundings and conditions, that mortal status doesn't really mean that much.

Certain teas certainly lend themselves to honey and lemon, but some are definitely better with a creamy base (chai, for one, obviously).

I was figuring an hour aggregate for all three meals, but I realize I wasn't clear there (for one thing I said "meal" rather than "meals") so I'll take that hit.

Depends on what you are using it for. Almond milk is better for cooking and cereal and things like that, but soy is hands-down the best for use in tea or coffee (well… disclaimer: I don't drink coffee, but I can't use anything but soy milk or dairy milk in my tea, and actually prefer soy). Although, if you're

Gotta keep in mind that time is money, too, though. A lot of people are working hours that don't allow them to spend an hour a day preparing a healthy meal.

So excited about this feature! I've actually just been rewatching the series for the umpteenth time myself. It's one of those series that amaze me with how rewatchable they are. And it's not only one of those series that's like a warm, cozy blanket, but it's also consistently funny even with multiple viewings. The

Man… I love this guy. I wasn't familiar with his work until I started watching CBB (supposedly he was on Mr. Show, but I don't recall seeing him on there…?). Just such a great absurdist sense of humor.

Above 150/160 or so, IQ numbers are essentially meaningless. Basically, at that point the ability to accurately measure is incredibly difficult and prone to error.

I have heard so fucking many covers of this song, and I hate them all so bad. I swear, this has to be one of the absolute most covered songs of all time. Fucking people…

I wasn't able to watch more than 30 seconds of it. Between that godawful hair and his smug, smug face, I almost had a rage stroke.

To be fair, when Americans say "liberal" the rest of the world should hear "moderate." Despite what Republicans want to convince people, the most liberal American politicians are still right of center in contrast to the rest of the world.

In my hometown, our local arena is currently named for the sleaziest car dealership in town (we're talking cartoon supervillain sleazy). It's a bit of a sore subject, and *no one* here calls it by that name.

I can't speak for all liberals, but the whole Lewinsky non-scandal was pretty much what first made me identify as a liberal. Basically, under Clinton, this country was in pretty fantastic shape (yes, I know you can argue that it was a result of policies from Reagan and Bush 1 coming into fruition, and you can argue

I always considered Static-X to be more speed metal than *shudder* nu-metal.