
Any more than that and they risk making the key "angry white male nerd" demographic feel slightly uncomfortable.

Is a shit more or less than a damn? I'd assume more, but then again, condemning someone is probably more significant than taking a shit, so I really don't know.

But it's still all subjective. While you think those sandwiches sound so disgusting as to be inedible, people can (and do) say the same thing about McD's/BurgerKing/Arbies/Hardees/etc. and they have the added justification that in addition to their personal taste telling them the sandwich is disgusting, the

You could say the same for —insert fast food chain you dislike—'s entire menu.

Pretty sure the Ankh was directly based on the Thames.

"Climbing Up the Walls" is one of my all-time favorite songs. Definitely in my top 10, maybe even top 5.

A…pun? I think maybe one or the other of us doesn't know what a pun is. Fully acknowledging that it might be me…

Both the frequency and the fact that they usually (well… if they're from, say, SK or AB, anyway) pronounce it "soar-y."

Really? Interesting. I wouldn't have pegged that song as being the etymological root for the term, considering that (as I mentioned) the place I hear it used the most is among k-pop fans, who are not likely to be big Eminem fans.

I don't understand your argument here *at all*. And I'm firmly in the camp of "pissed that this great series is being cancelled." It's just that unfortunately, the revenue a series generates is the *only* metric. Between sales and ads (for which the going price is based on the aforementioned sales anyway), a book

That may be true, but those moms also don't have a TV show chronicling their disgusting behavior.

Thanks for the reply. I have no real problem with the word, I just find it useful to have an idea of where a given word is acceptable to use, since I have several foreign-language interests with their own jargon which won't mean anything elsewhere (redundant, technically)…not that this particular word is one I'm

No. Just no. This show deserved every bit of hate. Whether they were disgusting, redneck, white trash or not, they're still guilty of the crime of participating in child beauty pageants. That alone makes this show worthy of every bit of condemnation it's received.

You know… the best thing about The New Girl is that I now know for certain that I do not want a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. If anything, I'd prefer a Subdued Succubus Nightmare Girl. Or really, just someone much more sarcastic and not so annoyingly upbeat.

I would never in a million years have guessed, based on your username, that you first read something on TV Tropes…

I somehow read that as "Supporting the health and welfare of the *marketable* children…" Which I suppose is actually the intent.

I feel very fortunate that my local purveyor of comic books is welcoming to all types. I'm a guy, but back in the day it was always my mom bringing my little brother and I to the comic shops. The old shop here was pretty much The Android's Dungeon to a T. The counter guy was rude and dismissive (because my mom was

I agree with everything you've said. Just a side question, though… is "stan" international vernacular now? I'd only ever seen it in use in k-pop fandom before… I'd look it up, but Urban Dictionary is shit, and usually disturbing shit at that.

Liked for the Ms. Marvel love, but disliked for the She-Hulk hate :( (Except not really, 'cause it's apparently one or the other.)

Yeah, cancelling this book is a travesty. For what it's worth, this book is responsible for me reading Marvel comics again for the first time in almost 15 years. If it weren't for She-Hulk, I wouldn't be reading Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, the new (actually old) Guardians of the Galaxy, and looking into picking up more