
Actually, while that's still funny, it's practically sub-par for O'Neal.

Very cool, but I have to disagree on one point. The anti-gluten fad isn't "interesting" it's fucking stupid unless you're one of the 5% of people who have some level of gluten intolerance. And even then, the majority of that 5% only suffer a tiny bit of gas as a result. Fuck the anti-gluten movement!

"He paid his debt to society!" Sorry… "He dun payed he's det to sosietee!"

Have they found the body, yet?

Well congratulations! You surely are unique in all of human existence! Thanks for sharing your special insight with us!

I resemble that comment.

I don't make or agree with the rules, I just enforce them.

*sigh* I hate that I keep having to correct people on this, but… "Slash fic" refers exclusively to homosexual pairings in erotic fan fiction. So unless Dawn suddenly sprouted a dick, it's not slash fic. In fact, unless I'm on crack, I seem to recall that slash fic refers specifically to *male* homosexual pairings,

Yeah, sorry if I seemed snide or condescending in my response. I was seriously confused about your intent (hence all my question marks). I grant that it's a funny mental image (despite the rapey context).

Seriously? You don't know that fingers are called "digits"? Or was that just a weak attempt at a joke?

Pretty sure no one around here is letting Polanski off the hook. And even Woody Allen is given a hefty dose of mistrust.

Star Wars fans are the jocks of the geek world.

Nuh-uh! You forgot nipples, for men to play with and with which to nourish the young.

That, and the ones most passionately defending the show make the best case for the stereotype that they're all weird old perverts. I actually liked MLP:FIM until I started talking to Bronies. Now I'm pretty much right on board with the pedohunters. *edit* Dammit, just noticed I'm commenting on yesterday's Newswire…

Such a great show. I keep hoping by some fluke they'll make more of it.

Could be worse, he could have picked Corona, Coors, Miller, or Bud. Or PBR, for that matter. Although, if he had, at least maybe we could assume he was joking.


Mandarin the wrong line of business.

…people do cocaine "down there"?!

I'm not sure the Simpsons are the best comparison, considering that well over 50% of their content (namely anything from the past 15 years) is utterly ignorable and borderline contemptible.
Also, I'm not saying my hatred of the Beach Boys is completely rational (unlike, say, my hatred of Jimmy Buffet, which is