
Good point. A B from Dowd is high praise. A B+ is pretty much jumping around, waving his arms in the air, ranting about how incredibly fucking awesome this movie is to random passersby.

It's a Dowd review. Nothing gets an A from B.B. Dowd.

I was never a big fan of the Beach Boys, but I only began actively despising them when I heard the execrable "Be True to Your School." Such an asinine song pretty much removed any respect I may have once felt for them.

Psshhh, everyone knows former superhero Birdmen are supposed to practice law!

That's the point he was making. He's saying it would be hard to put the blame for turning all adult comedies into R-rated raunch-fests on Something About Mary, because Bowfinger, the last good example of a PG-13 adult comedy, came out *after* Something About Mary. Not that I think his point is entirely accurate,

Yeah, I admit I'd have a hard time adequately explaining what makes this movie work so well for me, and I realize that humor isn't exactly universal. I dunno, man, it's just a great comedy. Such a lovely blend of love and cynicism and utter absurdity topped off by some masterful performances by Martin and Murphy

I'm sorry that you're so wrong. (Seriously, I'm only partly kidding.)

This is probably my favorite underrated movie.

Aren't "Kids React" videos mostly "let's watch these dumbfucks react to something they know nothing about because they're fucking stupid kids"? It's not like I need more reason to despise kids.

Oh, believe me, I know the joy of opening a pack/box of CCG cards. It's something I experienced many times in my youth. I just have a hard time believing that it's a thrill that can be experienced vicariously. *edit* I mean, I can get a bit of a vicarious thrill watching a friend do it, but not some random person

Shouldn't there also be a certain percentage mocking the concept of "unboxing" videos? Because even as much as I hate people who complain about "being forced to watch something I don't like," I find the concept of "unboxing" and "reaction" videos absolutely infuriating, and I would hope a lot of other people do as

"…so I thought being good at being an actor would somehow fill that void…" Maybe he should actually try that first, before dismissing it? Or was it just too hard?

Hey! She has a butt, too, you know!

All I know is that I'm going to love seeing Ruth Wilson every time I click my AV Club tab on my browser today.

Ohhh, bad troll. You must have failed trolling 101: never admit to being a troll. Fuck off and die, you failure.

Just seeing all your trollish comments on this article and wondering how someone can be such an enormous asshole. I mean, seriously, we're talking Goatsean proportions.

Actually, your love for Edwin explains sooooooo fucking much about you.

You take back what you said about Minsk!

…posts anyway.

Yeah, I'm firmly in the "this song is creepy and gross and I hate it and want terrible things to happen to John Mayer" camp, but "date rapey" isn't quite it.