
That joke is awful and it totally made me laugh.

I could see a 14-year-old boy saying every word of that sentence *except* "Let's take our time."

Ehhh, you already acknowledged that it's just your own (wrong) opinion, man.

I am absurdly excited about this news. This show was a slow build for me, but by the end I absolutely loved it.

The problem there is that there are (basically, i.e. a massive oversimplification) two main divisions of feminists: Sex Positive and Sex Negative. Sex Positive feminists are fine with sex and porn that isn't strictly male-gratification-centric, whereas Sex Negative feminists posit that all sex (and therefore porn)

That's fair. Thanks for addressing my concern.

These always sound so interesting, but I despise podcasts. I really wish you could transcribe these so we can read them instead.

I'm technically agnostic, or more accurately a Christian with atheist sympathies, but my view of morality has always been communal. Not in a relativistic sense, in that the majority determines what is moral, but rather in the sense that I define evil as any action/course/belief that treats another human being as

I always wondered the same thing. Around here it was occasionally referred to that way, but seriously probably only 5% of the time. It was much more common to hear the term Custer's Battlefield from out-of-staters and on various TV programs (which would also be out-of-staters). So, yeah… when the "official" name

The weird thing about Custer to me is that growing up less than 100 miles from the Little Bighorn battlefield, Custer has been viewed as a villain my whole life, and not just to the Native Americans. In fact, around here we always thought it was funny when the renaming of the site made national news (and cries of

I agree with your statement, but it should be "Socially acceptable in almost all circles still does not equal right."

I believe that was a misprint and they meant to write that he should be committed.

(Our conversation over on the article about the sexist Batman shirt reminded me of this, hence my necrobump here.) If you haven't seen Love Rain, that's also a pretty good one. There are some very frustrating elements, but then again, it's a K-drama, so it kind of goes with the territory.

Crap, I had forgotten that this movie existed. I always wanted to see how they managed it. And now I find out that Youtube (which I hate for anything longer than music videos) is the only place I can watch it… :(

I agree with you for the most part. My only reservation is the fact that (for me, at least) the movie didn't hold up with subsequent viewings. I loved it the first time I watched it, but after that it seemed kind of stale. Not in a snobbish, "this movie was poorly wrought" way, but in a "this movie isn't nearly as

That show's soundtrack almost put me off the show initially. So much overwrought, maudlin, pseudo-intellectual crap music, interspersed with a few genuinely good songs.

Songs in the Key of X was actually pretty good. At the very least, that hidden Nick Cave track was fantastic.

I figured it might be, but on the chance it was a serious question, I didn't want to leave you hanging, especially since you enjoyed my joke and told me as such, thereby validating my existence for the day.

I don't think hashtags actually do anything here, I just did it as a joke. Also, links seem to work, but you have to be careful how you present them, because a lot of people (myself included) automatically flag comments that are links with no or little context, or links presented by commenters who aren't known

It represents the Xs over the eyes of the children who die as a result of their stupidity. #poignantmadeupfact