
This kind of comment really pisses me off. When did we all become "someone think of the children" assholes? We all watched scarier shit than this when we were kids, why are we suddenly making it a big deal?

Do you say that because they used the term "sci-fi," which Ellison despises, or was there something else in there that you think would bother him? (Legitimate question, not sarcasm.)

Still too many of them.


The game play of Tactics was quite fun, in my opinion, but the story sucked, and essentially it really wasn't a Fallout game. I mean, technically, it is non-canon, but even aside from that it was totally not Fallout, though at times it came close.

Sounds like something Psychostick would do.

…it's a fucking petition, ergo utterly powerless and pointless. If someone passed around a petition urging nuclear winter, I'd probably sign it as a lark because I know it means jack shit.

Man, I expect better from you. I said "most" not "all." And it really seems to be true mostly of sitcoms from the late 90s till now.

Great, now I have to actively despise Rob Schneider rather than merely turning my nose up at him.

Luther and Sherlock might remind you that the BBC needs to go back to quitting while they're ahead.

Marshall and Lily were *always* my favorite part of that show. Ted was, like most sitcom leads, utterly boring and borderline contemptible (crossing into utterly contemptible territory with the finale); Barney was, while hilarious, a pretty awful person; and Robin really only existed to be Ted's love interest. But

The more I read stuff like this, the more I begin to suspect I'm the most powerful man in the world, as I'm generally immune to spoilers (in that they pretty much never affect my enjoyment of the book/show/movie/game even a little bit). Now to figure out how I can use this power to forge my own empire…

"That period ended." You mean just like the period of SNL being funny and relevant? So why is the show still running?

Only if they're douches or they're pretending to be douches. Ergo, yes, it's fitting in the context of the show, since they're mostly raging assholes.

Literally 50% of the time when I go to Burger King I end up getting half-rotten produce (tomatoes and lettuce) on my burger. Fortunately, for that reason I probably only eat there once a year at most.

My favorite RPG mini-game has always been, surprisingly to me more than anyone, FFX's blitzball. I bitched so hard when I found out that the mini-game was underwater rugby, but I ended up playing it so much that I never actually completed the main storyline.

Weird, I never thought of Cohen, Curtis, or Fogarty as having bad voices… Maybe not traditionally "great" voices, but not outright initially off-putting like Dylan or Waits.

Yeah, I love the title, but I can't think of any Tom Waits song that is more repetitive (and therefore weak, lyrically).

*squee* O'Neal's a Tom Waits fan?! I mean, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but it's still nice to get confirmation!

All I can really say about Tom Waits is that you're really missing out if you let his voice put you off. Also, "God's Away On Business" is hands-down one of his weakest songs, so that doesn't help.