
I absolutely loved SLC Punk!, but I've kind of wondered if it has held up over the years. Might need to try rewatching it soon…

Awww, damn, no wonder no one liked my joke.

Hey, Keanu Reeves is part Hawaiian, that's almost the same as being Japanese, right?

Sisko is my favorite as well, for pretty much that exact reason. He's such a perfect middle-ground between Kirk and Picard. That, and it's pretty much impossible to argue against the fact that he's the most badass captain.

Red-heads are stereotyped as being angry/aggressive/petulant, and a step-child with those characteristics would be treated worse for them. Also, red-heads are sometimes considered ugly, which would also result in worse treatment.

Donchu know, that shit got retconned! It's all good and wholesome and Christian if we say it was always ours!

Awww, but then we'd never have experienced his awesome relationship with Alice Morgan!

Noooooope, no one else. You're all alone in that thought. *futilely tries to use his body to block the view between Hunter Boyette and the rest of the comments section.*

Oh no, a pitchfork, my one weakness!

His point of view that the majority religion of the USA is a persecuted minority? That point of view? Also, FYI, I identify as Christian, but I don't have my head far enough up my butt to delude myself into thinking I'm being brave by defending the group with the power.

Jesus said that he who lives by the sword will die by the sword. He was totally cool with guns, though.

Well, at least it's only a limited engagement, i.e. "not appearing in a theater near you."

I don't hate the creme but I've never been a fan of it, either. I prefer less creme to more creme. And I'm always reminded of Harlan Ellison's thoughts on the matter: namely the fact that he likened Oreo creme to elephant jizz.

Are you referring to the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Oreos? If so, those are truly amazing, and next to impossible to find. It's surprising how good they are, too, considering how awful some of their previous attempts at chocolate/peanut butter Oreos were.

Speaking of such things, I recently discovered key lime marshmallows and am experiencing a similar problem…

After all this Oreo talk, I think I need to go home and cook up a big bowl of gulag-sh.

Not sure who the current writer is (I should really pay attention to that, because I'm loving this series), but…as I mentioned in my parenthetical there, the current series is pretty great. I'm like 3 issues behind at the moment, though, so forgive me if my comment sounds stupid.

Memories can be funny things sometimes, too. Doesn't mean he was lying, necessarily.

Glad I already caught it when it was still on Netflix. Fucking Starz…

Holy crap! How did I not ever register before now that Moth Monster Man was H. Jon Benjamin?!