
Hey now, just because their mother is a dangerous lunatic idiot doesn't mean the kids are destined to be such as well. I'd say we vaccinate the kids and euthanize the mother.

So what you're saying is that you're utterly unfamiliar with Sean O'Neal's body of work?

I think we might be arguing semantics here. To me, "evil" isn't some nebulous concept, nor is it some supernatural Devil. It's simply another way of describing actions or attitudes that are anti-social.

That's why I specifically modify greed with "unmitigated." Essentially, greed is fine, so long as you weigh your needs against the harm satisfying those needs will bring to others. Anytime you do something to serve yourself with a "fuck everyone else" attitude, that's evil in a nutshell.

That sentence is even worse if you accidentally read "spectrum" as "speculum" (which I appear to have misspelled if my spell-checker is to be believed…).

Are you implying that saying/tweeting "Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?!" *isn't* obnoxious?!

It depends. I suppose maybe someone could argue that unmitigated greed/selfishness can be caused by chemical imbalance, but probably just as many would argue that those are evolutionary biological imperatives. And essentially, what we think of as "evil" ultimately stems from that same unmitigated greed or

Dave Gibbons does seem to have a history of helping turn the works of dangerous lunatics into masterpieces.

In fact, forget about the post and the blackjack!

I agree completely. I loved the first few Sin City arcs in the actual comics, and I loved the first movie. However, these days I actively despise Frank Miller, and that does color some of my impression of even his earlier, better stuff.

"…more proof that Frank Miller…needs to just stop"? Dude, Frank Miller should have stopped over 10 years ago. The guy's gone so far down the crazy asshole…hole, that I can't even agree with you that it's sad to see him looking like death warmed over. At this point, I think his death would be a mercy.

Hmmm, it's been a while, so I guess I'd forgotten about that stuff. Maybe "purity" wasn't the right word, but I stand by "cloying."

I, for one, never cried when Aerith died, simply because I found her diabetes-inducing sweetness to be, for lack of a better word, cloying. She was just irritating in her purity and helplessness. It's kinda the opposite of the who-lives-who dies choice in Mass Effect 1: "Hmm, who am I gonna save: the fairly likable

Phil Lamar's head all over the back window of that car would like a word with you. Also, I suspect it's partly criticized for the sexual violence as well.

Pshhh, no one actually uses a d12.

Every RA Salvatore book? Oh, wait, you said "good."

I've always liked God of Thunder, too. Actually, a lot of their stuff that never gets radio play is actually pretty decent. I know this because, sadly, my uncle is a huge KISS fan. He does acknowledge that Gene Simmons is a huge asshole, though.

The avatar AND the handle.

It only lasted a minute, but that was still far too long.

Fuck… now I actually have some respect for Nikki Sixx :(